Carol Lucas

Lucas: If you can’t articulate, try dancing


By Carol Lucas

And if you can’t dance, try shuffling around. Just pretend. Move your head like a bobblehead doll. Remember those? Obviously someone did because the performance was really close to that of these plastic “movers and shakers” of the 70’s.

A town hall is held for the purpose of answering questions regarding your platform, you know, the reason you are running for President. Your plans for the country for the next four years. Or maybe more, if you have your way.

Just keep shuffling and bobbling.

Someone just fainted? Is it because of the heat or did she simply swoon over seeing you pretend you are Fred Astaire? Your response? 

“Anybody else like to faint (jokingly)?” 

Forget that medical attention was required. Just keep it light, and move those feet!

The site was Oaks, Pa., and the moderator was Kristi Noem. You remember Kristi, the one who shot her own dog. She dances, too. Alongside Fred. Like Ginger Rogers.

“Let’s not do any more questions. Let’s just listen to music. Let’s make it into a musical. Who the hell wants to hear questions, right?” he said.

For 39 minutes, Trump swayed, bopped — sometimes stopping to speak — as he turned the event into a listening session of his favorite songs from his self-curated rally playlist.

He played nine tracks. He danced. He shook hands with people onstage. He pointed to the crowd. Noem stood beside him, nodding with her hands clasped, swaying to the music. Trump stayed in place onstage, slowly moving back and forth. He was done answering questions for the night.

By the way, FOX’s take on this was “Trump cuts Pa. town hall short over medical emergencies in crowd.” And Steven Cheung, Trump’s campaign spokesman, wrote the following on X: “Total love fest at PA town hall!! Everyone was so excited they were fainting. Ah, a rose by any other name …”

On Tuesday, Trump, posting on his Truth Social account, called the evening “amazing.” One of the songs played was “Hallelujah,” as performed by Rufus Wainwright, and the performer was quoted as being horrified that his song had been used. I guess Mr. Wainwright didn’t find anything “amazing” about it.

If you think this sounds like a scene out of a drug-induced hippie festival back in the late 60s, you aren’t alone. Thirty-nine minutes of this pathetic excuse for a town hall might be deemed humorous if it weren’t for the fact that the “star” of show is running for the Presidency of the United States. Let that sink in.

Ask yourself what the reaction would be had this occurred at a Harris town hall meeting. Can’t you just hear the roars of contempt? Why the derision over her laugh is enough to set the tongues wagging, let alone the other slurs, hurled shortly after she became the candidate.

I find it beyond ironic that those who were beating the drum about Joe Biden’s “dementia,” his lack of cognitive skill, and any other diagnosis these wannabe physicians could conjure up, are amazingly silent. There are no comments on the insanity Trump keeps spewing … the repeated lies, as well as this recent “town hall.”

There are those who are true conservatives, and the number continues to grow, who are willing to call him deranged, unhinged, and unfit to hold the office of the presidency. I might add this group includes many high ranking officials from his own administration.

Unfit! Repeat it till it becomes a mantra. UNFIT!

I sincerely believe this is the word that fits best. I could address in depth his failure to provide any kind of policy. We know his involvement with Project 2025; he denies this despite the fact that the creators of that document are largely from his own administration. Furthermore, Trump’s name is mentioned several times throughout the treatise.

He has stated openly his intent on retribution, should he be elected, and he will use the U.S. military to carry this forth, per his own words. As a dictator (which, again, he verbalized) he feels entitled to do so. Quote: “I would have every right…”

The Constitution? Meaningless to Trump.

There are so many ways this man is unfit. The reality that we have a convicted felon running for the highest office in our country, indeed running for the leadership of the free world shows to what degree we have regressed; it never should have been permitted. These are the characteristics of a third world nation, not the United States I know and love.

Don’t be deceived. Donald Trump is UNFIT in every sense of the word. You may not like some of the policies of Kamala Harris; you may never have voted for a Democrat in your life. But know this: now is the time to assess this election for what it is — a live-or-die situation. 

Put your country ahead of your party. To do otherwise invites chaos the likes of which we haven’t seen in a very long time; indeed, it is to abet the demise of democracy as we know it.

Carol Lucas is a retired high school teacher and a Lady’s Island resident. She is the author of the recently published “A Breath Away: One Woman’s Journey Through Widowhood.”

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