LowCountry Habitat for Humanity is pleased to announce the 4th Annual Resolution Run 5K Race on January 17th, 2014 at 10 a.m. on Dataw Island.
Come to beautiful Dataw Island to kick-off the New Year with a great start on that New Year’s Resolution to be active and healthy by participating in the 4th Annual 5K Race to benefit LowCountry Habitat for Humanity. Participants will have a fast, flat course and may enter the 5K race or simply walk or stroll the beautiful scenery at your own pace. Awards will be given to first place race finishers in eight categories.
Early bird registration is only $25 with discounts available for active duty military and participants under 18 years of age. Registration after January 11th will be $30. Registration fee includes a t-shirt. Online registration is available at Runsignup.com. Links to this site are posted on our website www.lowcountryhabitat.org and Facebook page (simply click the Sign-up Tab on our Facebook page to register).
Stop by our office to pick up a registration form and learn more about how you may help LowCountry Habitat create a world where everyone has a decent place to live!
About LowCountry Habitat for Humanity
Habitat for Humanity was founded on the conviction that every man, woman and child should have a simple, durable place to live in dignity and safety and that decent shelter in decent communities should be a matter of conscience and action for all. Habitat ReStores were developed to provide Habitat affiliates with another income stream for building houses while providing a place where still useful building materials and supplies can be recycled and gently-used home furnishings can be resold to new owners reducing the burden on local landfills. For more information about LowCountry Habitat for Humanity, please call the Habitat office at (843) 522-3500.