By Peggy Chandler
Many Royal Pines residents are parents as well as grandparents and when the opportunity comes along to shine a light on one of those grandchildren, I am always happy to do so.
Alex Bernier is the grandson of Carol and John Clark, Wade Hampton. Alex is part of the National Youth Leadership Forum on Medicine. Upon his arrival, Alex was able to meet with his Medical Education Discussion (MED) group a small group with whom he will be meeting to discuss each activity throughout the Forum. Together, they participated in icebreakers and discussions to get to know each other a bit better. The participants will visit a medical school to gain

some real insight into what it takes to be a medical student. The participants will learn what is expected of college students preparing for medical school and how students balance their workload and daily life as a med student. Throughout their stay, updates about the Forum are sent via e mail to parents so that the parents can follow along as Alex experiences life in the operating room by viewing a surgical broadcast of a total knee replacement. He will be able to communicate with surgeons and medical personnel in a real hospital operating room via live video conference. This interactivity allows the medical staff to communicate with the students and field questions while the procedure is being performed. A local surgeon will also be at the viewing site to offer a more detailed explanation of the surgery directly to the students. This surgical broadcast, produced exclusively for NYLF/MED, will provide Alex with a firsthand look at what it is truly like to perform surgery! Our best wishes go to Alex and his family.
If you are looking for a fun night with good food and great music, stop in on Friday nights at Moondoggies in Port Royal where our Royal Pines resident Gary Stoeffler plays weekly.
Our family recently hosted a McDonough Family Reunion at our house. We enjoyed the company of family members (brother) Kevin McDonough along

with his wife Kathy and daughter Katie who traveled from Kentucky; (niece) Kelly McDonough Wells with husband Matthew and children Spencer, Maggie and Evan from Oklahoma; (nephew) David McKimmey with his family Melissa and Savannah from Kentucky; our son Rob with grandson Aaron from Virginia; and our daughter, Tracy, with grandson Jared from Greer.
Some family members were unable to attend this year but maybe next year, since we had such a wonderful time enjoying Water Festival, Dockside and plenty of golf, beach, boat, and pool time, we may make this an annual event!