LIBPA to host school board candidates’ forum

On Tuesday, October 14 at 8 a.m. in the Beaufort Realtor’s Association Headquarters (located to the rear of BB&T on Lady’s Island Drive) Lady’s Island Business and Professional Association will conduct a forum for the two candidates seeking to represent District 2 on the Beaufort County School Board. The meeting is open to the public.

Mr. Bill Evans, a petition candidate, is the present incumbent and Mr. Terry Thomas is a write-in candidate. As with all LIBPA candidate forums, the order of speaking will be alphabetical, each candidate will be allowed 10 minutes to speak on any subject they choose to address, the remaining time will be devoted to questions and answers. Following the question and answer period, each candidate will be provided three minutes for a final summary.

The following subjects may be of interest to forum attendees during the question and answer period:

• Should the school district become a taxing authority?

• What is the proper role of the school board in regard to the school district?

• Opinion of Common Corps Standards and the new South Carolina standards presently being developed.

• How to best cope with the effect of poverty on education.

• Action needed to improve Beaufort County schools.

• Opinion of charter schools.

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Obituary: Beekman Webb

Beekman Webb of Beaufort, S.C., a beloved husband, father, and grandfather passed away peacefully at home