Letters to the Editor

Don’t follow the ‘same steps as Hilton Head’

I read with dismay the full page ad in The Island News’ September 28 (edition) in which the Community Action Network purports to represent the “silent majority” of Saint Helena Island. 

They most certainly DO NOT represent any “majority.” This ad claims that the Pine Island plan presented by developer Elvio Tropeano would be in the best interests of the Gullah Community on Saint Helena. Any plan which does not conform to the Cultural Protective Overlay cannot be accepted. 

If one such plan is accepted, there is nothing to stop the next developer from asking for the same treatment. Our Island would follow in the same steps as Hilton Head, where the Gullah people are excluded and marginalized. 

– Ted Mamunes, St. Helena Island

Stop spreading your own disinformation

The winner of the Hypocrite of the Week Award in the Editorial Division goes to Jim Dickson of The Island News. In his September 21 editorial, Mr. Dickson decries the rise of disinformation, which he mistakenly attributes to the current Democratic administration. (Was he asleep during the previous administration?) 

Then in his September 28 editorial, Dickson spreads his own disinformation. Mr. Dickson, you might not agree with John Fetterman’s politics or his choices in apparel, but that does not give you license to spread disinformation about his mental status. 

You stated that he has diminished mental capacity. Unless you are in direct contact with Fetterman’s physicians, you have no way of knowing if this is true. Fetterman did suffer a stroke in May 2022 and he now requires a voice-to-text transcription app to process verbal communications. This does not mean he has diminished mental capacity. 

Mr. Dickson, maybe you should begin practicing what you preach. Maybe you should stop spreading your own disinformation.

– Peter Birschbach, Port Royal

Where will you stand?

My name is Rev. Dr. Elijah Washington, and I am the pastor at First African Baptist Church on St. Helena Island. I am also a retired Doctor of Obstetrics and Gynecology and it has been my privilege to serve the community for 47 years.

Martin Luther King Jr., who frequented the Penn Center on St. Helena Island during the Civil Rights Era, wrote that “the ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands in moments of comfort and convenience, but where he stands at times of challenge and controversy.”

Today, St. Helena Island finds itself in a time of controversy. A developer and investors are litigating against Beaufort County over the right to build a luxury golf resort on the Pine Island property. This type of development is prohibited by a decades old zoning law—the Cultural Protection Overlay—which was written by residents to protect Gullah/Geechee culture.

In March, I spoke at a rally concerning this issue where hundreds of residents gathered at the St. Helena Island Elementary School. I maintain my stance that a luxury, gated golf resort community will detract from St. Helena Island’s cultural assets, rural Sea Island character, and abundant natural resources and waterways.

We must not allow new factions to threaten and create rifts in the community; there is no place for this divisive behavior in our society. 1 Peter 3:8 reminds us how to treat our neighbors when it says “finally, all of you, be like-minded, be sympathetic, love one another, be compassionate and humble.”

I stand by the County and community members who support the CPO zoning. Our steadfastness and conviction in this time of controversy will be the measure of true character. Ask yourself, where will you stand?

— Rev. Dr. Elijah Washington, St. Helena Island’s

Leave other people’s children alone

Take responsibility is spot on. My parents, family, and teachers all told me to read different sources of news, different news programs, and listen. Then and only then do I have sufficient information to form my own opinion. Otherwise I would be a misinformed narrow minded lemming. 

I do believe for the most part people running for election have earnest intentions. But once there, they quickly learn how the game of politics works. It’s amazing to see how many contradict themselves and go along with something bad just to get support for what they want in their district. Lindsey Graham is exhibit A.

Mac Deford. I congratulate you on your great comments. The so called Republican Party for small government and strong military support, is focusing on tax breaks for the wealthy; in the business of regulating women’s rights, only before birth – afterward, they don’t give a hoot; and to date, have refused to promote more than 100 officers of our military.

Book banning. Never in my 71 years would I have ever thought that America would be like Nazi Germany. Again, my parents, teachers, family, and clergy encouraged me to read everything I could get my hands on. If there are parents out there who think they know better than state and local educators, and librarians what should be allowed in school, congratulations genius! 

Suggestion – you don’t like a book for your child? Tell your child and contact local libraries to put your child on a no-access list. Leave every other child alone!

– Don Cass, Beaufort

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