Where are the men?

There has been a constant debate about abortion since the Supreme Court eliminated Roe v. Wade. Thousands of words have been written. There have been thousands of arguments. Should abortion be banned totally or should there be exceptions. When is a fetus “viable?” Some advocate criminal penalties for medical personnel who perform abortions.

Wait. Something is missing here. I learned in high school sex education classes that it takes a MAN and a woman to make a baby. Where are the men?

You would think that women get pregnant on their own. Or maybe, like Mary and Jesus, immaculate conception. Why aren’t men held responsible for their part in creating a baby that the mother must have, if legislators get their way? Isn’t it a coincidence that most legislators advocating extreme positions on abortion are men. Maybe some of them are responsible for unwanted pregnancies.

Many women go through years worrying every month if they are pregnant or not. For men, not to worry. Just make lives of women extremely stressful and difficult. Why should they care? They will never feel that baby’s heartbeat.

– Terry Gibson, Beaufort

Not pro-life or responsible leadership

The physical health consequences of the assault on women’s reproductive rights is well documented. Women also face further assault on their mental health in the case of rape. Aside from the physical violence of rape, the psychological trauma is a result of power and control. The inability of a woman to say “no.”

One of the essential decisions a victim advocate must address is a woman’s decision to report the rape to law enforcement. Often, the victim may choose not to report for fear of being shamed, reprisals, or just wanting to keep her privacy. Under the current bill before the S.C. Supreme Court, a woman will no longer have this right. If she is impregnated by her rapist and wishes to terminate the pregnancy, her doctor is required to report this to law enforcement, even against her wishes. This can have the effect of further trauma and again deprive a woman of the right to say “no.”

Best practices in trauma treatment affirm the importance of this right. Our legislators who propose and support this bill are willfully ignorant as to the dire consequences of their proposals affecting the physical and mental health of women. It is neither pro-life nor responsible leadership.

– Charlie Nutting, Beaufort

Stay the course District 124

I like Shannon Erickson. I also know Shannon Erickson.

I know Shannon Erickson because a career criminal driving a stolen car (at 90 mph) hit my wife and me head on. My wife almost died. Following the accident my wife and I engaged with local, county, and state transportation officials in an effort to be a voice regarding local business development and associated traffic impacts.

Shannon Erickson promoted our engagement – she put us at the table with DOT reps. She advocated for our concerns and our community’s concerns.

I know Shannon Erickson because she’s a leader on military and veteran issues for the state. She was a driving force lowering income taxes state wide and finally exempting retired military pay. A good friend of mine, who works at the capital, routinely sings her praises as a legislator who works both sides of the aisle with grace – a legislator that does not draw lines in the sand but instead finds solutions.

I know Shannon Erickson because I watch her in this community. I can’t imagine there’s a more positive and engaging person that can serve us to the incredible degree that she does.

Finally, I know the character of Shannon Erickson. I trust her and I truly respect her values. She’s accountable. Unlike many, she doesn’t avoid issues – she addresses them. Unlike her opponent in this race, and the party her opponent represents, Shannon doesn’t publicly alienate voters who may not hold the same beliefs she does. Her continued service in Columbia means our entire district is represented.

And to her opponent, neither Shannon Erickson nor I are a threat to our great republic. Please cease pandering the absolute buffoonery emanating from our nation’s Capital. It’s hardly additive to the character of our district.

– J.P. Holden, Lady’s Island

Tim Wood blew it out of the water

How many words can one use to applaud something written that strikes such a chord that you want to say, “Wow! I wish I had written that!”? Such was my reaction when I read the well-crafted article entitled, “A historic time for a historic vote” by Tim Wood. Every talking point was spot on, and the fact that some of our elected leaders are working hard to make voting and majority rule difficult is explained in such detail that the reader comes away knowing the harm to our democracy is real and terrifying.

Much like Mr. Wood, even as a Democrat, I didn’t want Hillary Clinton in the White House, and unfortunately I threw away my vote with a write-in. I placated myself by saying at least I had preserved my right to vote. I won’t do that again. He is right when he states that we are sadly confronted with voting for the lesser of two evils these days, but vote we must, as if our lives and the lives of our children and grandchildren depend upon it. They do.

And so, Mr. Wood, kudos Splendid, spectacular, outstanding, riveting … the list is endless. Your tutorial of what confronts us should be mandatory reading.

– Carol Lucas, Lady’s Island

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