I agree with Jim Dickson

I enjoyed and agreed with Jim Dickson’s column about George Orwell’s book 1984. Another good one is Animal Farm.

I hardly recognize our America today and the completely un-American way our current leaders are steering our policies and disregarding our laws. May heaven (or whatever higher power you turn to for guidance) give us strength and wisdom to save our country.

– Eve Allen, Port Royal

Confound the ‘Ministers of Truth’

Jim Dickson’s writings are evidently causing the knicker knottings of the local “Ministers of Truth.”

Intellectually devoid of any cogent response to his postings, they are reduced to the Left’s prescribed play book, i.e., the ad hominem attack coupled, of course, with the obligatory allegation of racism.

Visualize them, foaming at the mouth, furiously pounding keyboards in fits of Progressive pique.

Keep it up Jim. Nulle Bastardos Carborundum.

– Carter Swenson, Beaufort

Lolita Huckaby is appreciated

I’d like to express my appreciation for Lolita Huckaby’s reporting on news that impacts the Beaufort and Port Royal communities. Her reporting choices demonstrate a comprehensive understanding of what issues matter here and now and how they are being addressed by government officials and community activists.

Social media will never substitute for local reporting, and I am glad The Island News is prioritizing good local reporting like Huckaby’s. Readers know we have someone looking into and out for issues that matter right here.

– Carol Brown, Beaufort

Bravo Mike McCombs

Your newspaper and your columnist, Larry Dandridge, are amazing ambassadors and advocates for all of us veterans. I am learning things I need to know about veterans’ benefits every week from your military and veteran section of The Island News newspaper.

Much of the helpful information on veterans’ benefits in your paper is very hard to find elsewhere, and some of this important information is apparently not available other than through your informative articles.

I am certain your weekly articles have helped many veterans and active military members by informing them about their veterans’ benefits and how to apply for those benefits.

Thank you and Lt. Col. (Ret.) Dandridge for supporting our Marines, Soldiers, Sailors, Coast Guardsmen and women, Airmen and women, WWII Merchant Mariners, and their families through your educational articles on veterans’ benefits.

– Col. Robby Robinson, U.S. Army (Ret.)

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Correction/clarification for The Island News of April 21

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Thank you to the people of Beaufort The overwhelming generosity of the people of Beaufort helped