Tell Jim Dickson he’s fired

Does anyone fact check the rantings of Jim Dickson or are you allowing him to have his own little Fox News gig in your paper? For him to say that “anyone who does not live in a cave somewhere in Mexico knows” … Wow, how degrading (and do you think racist) is that?

There are caves right here in the good old USA – I guess he assumes American cave dwellers are more intelligent? He is often rude and suggests that those that don’t think as he does are apparently ignorant. He appears to be just another Republican (who has) no positive platform, and all he knows to do to try to make up for that is to put down and insult those that do.

I would encourage you to find a Republican that will truthfully discuss just what their party has to offer the American people in a more civilized and less divisive way to include in your newspaper and tell Mr. Dickson “you’re fired.”

– Denise Sullivan, Dataw Island

From a proud veteran’s spouse and daughter

My late husband and departed dad were proud veterans. My children, family, and I are proud of our veterans. We are especially proud to have served as highly supportive family members.

I know your columnist Larry Dandridge, and he recently helped me get his local VFW Post to properly fold my departed dad’s and husband’s flags so that they could be proudly displayed and passed on to my children.

I hope someone or some organization soon recognizes The Island News for all the support they give to our military and veteran communities.

Sincerely and respectfully,

– Anne Watson, A Veteran’s Spouse and Daughter

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