R.I.P, Senator Dole

As we sadly say good-bye to one of the 20th century’s most honorable patriots and public servant, Bob Dole, I want to share my personal experience with his wonderful sense of humor.

I don’t remember why or when we Republicans were meeting in Atlanta in the early 90s, but Senator Dole dropped in on a social gathering of our South Carolina group. He took the mike to briefly address our group, and I’ll have to paraphrase his comment that remains with me when other comments are long gone.

To wit: “I love your Strom Thurmond – he’s my mentor. I watch every move he makes. If he eats a banana, I eat a banana.”

Well, it must have worked because both he and Senator Thurmond enjoyed long, productive lives. Rest in Peace, Senator Dole.

– Edie Rodgers, Beaufort

2021 Holiday Lighted Boat Parade results

Many thanks to all those who worked so hard to make the 2021 Holiday Lighted Boat Parade a success. Mother Nature gave us wonderful weather for the parade. The members of the America’s Boating Club of Beaufort and the City of Beaufort worked together to set up Chambers Park for the festivities.

The judges were:

Former Beaufort Mayor Billy Keyserling, author of Sharing Common Ground: Promises Unfulfilled but Not Forgotten;

Beaufort Police Chief Dale McDorman; and

Lt. Colonel Andrew Johannes, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Charleston.

The parade was led by Past Commander Russ Appleton of the Beaufort club. There were 12 power boats and one sailboat.

The winners were:

Boats smaller than 25 feet

1. Spero, Captained by Stephen Murray with Dr. Seuss theme.

2. Shitter’s Full, Captained by Shawn and Lara Morris with “Cousin Eddie is back” theme.

Boats longer 25 feet

1. Sweet Carolina, Captained by John Sral with Christmas Sweets theme.

2. Career Opportunities, Captained by Chris & Jenn Collins with Feeling Christma“sea” theme.

A special thank you to Beaufort Search and Rescue for having their boats on the water. They participated in the captain’s meeting on Thursday and on the water on Saturday.

– Commander Mary Corsaro, SN, America’s Boating Club of Beaufort

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