Christmas parade better without ‘icky politics’

This year has been terrible. Last year was terrible. With vaccinations rolling out, it’s getting better.

We were able to take our young children to a crowded public event for the first time in a while. It felt nice. Then the parade was kicked off with some hateful divisive politics.

We left. We took the kids for ice cream. Maybe next year, we can celebrate Christmas without the icky politics and just let families enjoy their neighbors.

– Amber Faust, Beaufort

I agree with Ms. Rodgers

Thank you for publishing a Letter to the Editor written by Ms. Edie Rodgers in the December 2 edition (of The Island News). Her comments and observations on a recent column by Mr. Jim Dickson and the letters published in response were outstanding.

Ms. Rodgers expressed my thoughts on the subject far better than I could have done. I especially appreciate her pointing out how Social Security and Medicare are not well meaning government entitlement programs as often portrayed by those defending socialism. I am confident many more of your readers feel as I do.

I read all of the columns published on your Voices page and almost never agree with the liberal, socialist, or anti-“anything not Democrat” opinions. A few of your writers have insinuated or just stated as a fact that I am racist, a terrorist, heartless, and selfish all because I don’t toe the Democrat line or watch and read the “right” news. I wonder why they feel this way but I respect their right to their opinion.

The Island News is a great publication. I commend you for keeping your coverage and opinion columns so interesting.

– Lawrence V. Francese, Beaufort

Beaufort loses another special citizen

Our community has lost another of its special people. Learned, talented, kind, and giving are a few of the words that applied to Sonny Bishop. My children had the privilege of knowing him at Beaufort Academy, as well as his beloved Mary. I always turned to him when I had a piece of furniture that needed expert care, such as the dining room table left with the imprint of a reindeer after a bazaar project back in the 70s.

My daughter was regularly quoting Sonny in the last few years, thanks to the Facebook posts he shared with his many fans, and he did have a group of regulars who trusted his every word of wisdom. His was a life well lived and we’re a better community for having him among us for so many years, thanks to his love of “A PLACE CALLED HOME.”

– Edie Rodgers, Beaufort

Thanks for VA articles

I have to say again how much I enjoy and use your informative and interesting Island News articles on veterans’ benefits. As a veteran and the President of Carolina Lowcountry AFRA Chapter, I have found these articles so helpful in understanding VA benefits.

Thank you again for supporting our Marines, Soldiers, Sailors, Airmen and women, and Coastguardsmen and women and veterans.

– Betty Collins

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Thank you to the people of Beaufort The overwhelming generosity of the people of Beaufort helped