Students should consider online school as a viable option

It might not be the most popular opinion among my friends, but I’ve always enjoyed school. That started to change during my first few weeks of high school when I didn’t feel as engaged with my teachers and wanted more personal attention. That’s why I decided to move to online school with South Carolina Virtual Charter School. After switching I realized the difference between online school and homeschool.

Online school still has structured lessons and an entire team of teachers and staff to support you. My teachers held virtual classroom sessions and students could access lessons around the clock. This allowed me to work at my own pace and take more time on material with which I needed more help.

Everyone at my online school was dedicated to helping every student succeed and was readily available to provide support. Without the option of online school, I wouldn’t have graduated near the top of my class three years ago. Now, I’m a full-time online college student at Trident Technical College and hold multiple jobs.

Because of the similar online learning environment, I was prepared for my college classes as I pursue an Arts Management degree.

The option of online school to finish high school was a better learning environment for me and maintained my love of learning. As families consider alternative learning environments for the fall due to COVID-19, I hope students consider online school.

– Brittany Lord, Wadmalaw Island

Thank you Mike McCombs for ‘Tantrum’ article

I’ve never responded to an editorial before, but I wanted to say thank you for expressing what I have expounded for the last year.

I am a newly retired Beaufort County Employee. I have worked in the Planning Dept and the Assessor’s Office. I saw first-hand, 12 years ago when I first came to work in the Planning Department, that yes indeed there truly is a good ole boys network. I had previously worked for Duke Energy for 23 years and was appalled at how government seemed to work – or not work.

When Ashley Jacobs was hired, I felt she was cleaning house – something most new management does to get rid of employees that don’t fit up to the new managements standards – and I honestly felt she cared about her employees.

I’m mad at County Council for their underhanded dealings and sad for the employees. Thank you for your article that perfectly summarized my feelings.

P.S. Have you considered running for County Council?

– Lynne Hancock, Beaufort

Leave Port Royal Rookery alone

Port Royal Rookery is blocked off to walkers. Wonder why?

Someone (committee, no doubt) has the idea to drain and dig out the rookery. Sounds good at first. BUT. This rookery was created for nature, not man. Yes, it smells a little sometimes when there’s been no rain. And the tannic acid that results from decayed leaves and plants also gives off an odor. But that is nature and God created it to do so.

Do you realize how many thousands of turtles and fish and lizards will be crushed by the digging by backhoes? Not to mention the gators will have to crawl out if they indeed can escape. Want them in your yard? They can in no way relocate these creatures.

Will the beautiful birds come back after such devastation? I think not. Sure, there is litter in the rookery but it’s from people. And yes, new litter will come when it’s done.

Looks to me like Port Royal leaders or someone wants a pretty pond instead of a natural rookery. Let your officials know if you agree with this before the dredging begins. It will never be the same. I have a degree in wildlife management and I do know what I’m talking about. Very concerned,

– Angela Nelson, Port Royal

Ready for a change

We have been through a very tough four years, and I expect that most of my fellow citizens are as tired of division, corruption, and chaos as I am. When President Biden is sworn in on Jan. 20, 2021, his excellent team of experts, public servants, and citizens will begin the work of reuniting America.

We can thank the Trump Administration for lifting all the rocks and revealing the extent of our immediate and our long-standing problems. I do not expect the Biden Administration’s “first 100 days” to result in great upheavals of legislation or action, beyond what is necessary to finally get a grip on the pandemic. I just look forward to a President who will deal with competing interests in a responsible manner, not through tweets, to come up with legislation that begins to undertake, finally, programs for national renewal.

I welcome leadership from a President who wants to serve the interests of all Americans. I hope his country is ready to quiet down, think, and get to work, together.

– Carol Brown, Beaufort

About mask requirements

I recently saw a letter criticizing the Beaufort County Council for voting not to extend the face mask requirement. This brings me to ask: If face masks will prevent Covid 19 infections, why are we required to social distance? And if social distancing will keep us from being infected why are we being asked to wear masks?

The population in general is ready to be done with all these life-controlling directives. We are ready to take the vaccine and get back to the American way of life.

– Paula Ferrara, Beaufort

Rest In Peace

Last week the Island News had to mourn the passing of their beloved writer Lee Scott. Lee was able to take any common day event and turn it in to a truly amazing article. I was honored when I was the article of the week when she wrote “My Favorite Teacher I Never Had.”

Lee and I met at the pool on Dataw Island. She introduced herself as the person with two last names, Lee and Scott. We immediately became good friends and enjoyed each other’s company. She was always busy thinking of a new article to write. We would discuss things as we swam on our Noodles in the pool. When Lee would write something that would involve us, she was always the first to ask permission to use our name in an upcoming article. 

Lee loved adventure and was always willing to try new things. She encouraged me and our friend Cindy to take Bridge Lessons. We took turns driving to Bridge and would sometimes follow up with lunch. What a great time we had learning to play and her enthusiasm for the game was always present. 

Lee had a wonderful personality and a great sense of humor. She was kind, loving and passionate about many things. Her strong belief in God gave her much comfort and strength.

Lee loved birthdays and Cindy, Christine and I would always go out to lunch on our birthday. We would laugh and giggle, have girl talks and have fun. She would always remind us that November 14th was her birthday which she wrote an article that November 14th is National Pickle Day!

Cindy Christine and I made a promise to Lee that we would celebrate her birthday this year. Lee loved a nice glass of wine so rest assured that on November 14th we will raise our glasses and say “Happy Birthday Dear Friend. We miss you and rest in peace.” 

– Nancy O’Connor, Saint Helena Island 


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