What does David Taub support?

Poor POTUS! An examination of the Pecksniffian polemics penned by our Mayor Emeritus might cause one to conclude that the CHICOM Wuhan plague was concocted in Trump’s personal petri dish.

There have been many missteps in addressing this complicated problem, but there is plenty of blame to go around. Perhaps David (Taub) could also focus his ire on:

SOTH – Nancy P who dispensed non-social distancing hugs in Chinatown and fixated on her impeachment hoax while POTUS was closing access to virus vectors.

MONY – Del Blasio who advised his citizens to make merry in close quarters. After an epiphany, he then modified his order prohibiting large gatherings to allow leftist “peaceful protests.”

GONY – Most egregious of all. Cuomo who inflicted his infamous medical manslaughter mandate on New York nursing homes. While this was going on, POTUS was establishing field hospitals and deploying hospital ships.

OTHER GOVERNORS AND MAYORS – Democrats all, who closed or limited attendance at places of worship while keeping liquor stores, casinos, abortion clinics and pot parlors open.

CHINA– Xi who deserves a fanging for his gift to us of a biological/economic Pearl Harbor.

David has made it perfectly clear what he is against. Now here is the question; WHAT IS HE FOR? Is he trying to make Trump look so bad that Biden looks good?

Is he a supporter of the Biden-Bernie-AOC-Omar-Marxist Burn/Loot/Murder-ANTIFA crowd?

It’s time for him to unleash his considerable writing skills and let his fans know where he stands.

– Carter Swenson, Beaufort

PAL auction a success despite COVID-19 fears

Palmetto Animal League’s 11th Annual Bid for PAL Online Auction was held August 6 through 9, raising critical funds to support PAL’s no-kill animal rescue programs.

Traditionally held in April, PAL’s largest annual fundraiser had to be postponed due to the uncertainty surrounding COVID-19.

Times are tough for many businesses and organizations, and this year’s auction was a special chance to highlight local businesses that, despite their own struggles, are still finding ways to help shelter pets. We are grateful for the community’s enthusiastic response to this fundraising event, especially with regards to the bidders and generous donors who provided more than 335 items for our auction.

We would like to extend special thanks to our Silver Paw Partners in Rescue: Gifted Hilton Head and John Kilmer Fine Interiors as well as our Silver Paw Media Partners: The Bluffton Sun/The Hilton Head Sun and Dick Broadcasting Company (Bob 106.9, G100, Rewind 107.9 and FM 96.1 The Island). Our appreciation also goes out to our Business Paw Partners in Rescue: Belfair Wine & Spirits and The Eye Site of Bluffton, along with other local media who publicized the event.

This auction, which helps PAL rescue hundreds of animals every year, would not have been possible without the devoted volunteers who canvassed the community for auction items. We hope everyone will join the No Kill Movement by supporting PAL’s adoption center, located in Okatie’s Riverwalk Business Park, where we make it easy to adopt, foster, donate or volunteer.

– Stephanie Bashaw, Development 

Coordinator, Palmetto Animal League

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