
Has anyone noticed that Donald Trump seems more nutty than usual? Of course, anything is possible with a convicted felon and well known liar in the White House. Trump’s behavior for the last few weeks has been like a bull in a china shop, only worse.

Trump voters, I bet you didn’t know you would get Elon Mush (I mean Elon Musk) as Co-President. Well, life is full of surprises.

Musk and his henchmen have taken a chain saw to the federal government, wreaking havoc on federal agencies and their employees who provide many critical services. (We have to cut $2 trillion dollars out of the budget right away!!) Musk is very busy but he still has time to worry about millions of people more than 100 years old and many more than 150 years old receiving social security checks. (I am not making this up).

There are many more similar examples.

I hope that you are relieved that Elon Musk is on the job rooting out all that waste and fraud. Just think, soon, you won’t have the federal government to kick around any more. (With apologies to Richard Nixon).

— Terry Gibson, Beaufort

Trump derangement syndrome

To the staff and readership of The Island News who are suffering from Trump derangement syndrome. President Trump campaigned for months telling the American public exactly what he was planning to do if elected. He also made it clear that he was intending on enlisting the help of Elon Musk to help him eliminate fraud, waste, and abuse from the massive federal bureaucracy. As a result the American people elected Donald Trump in an overwhelming landslide victory.

Therefore I strongly suggest you get a grip and move forward with us to Make America Great Again, otherwise get out of the way. The American people have spoken.

— Charles D. Wersler, Gray’s Hill

HBF ‘surprised and disappointed’

The Historic Beaufort Foundation (HBF) was surprised and disappointed to read in the current issue (February 20-26) of The Island News that we were invited to attend a meeting held on Feb. 13 concerning reinvestment in the Northwest Quadrant neighborhood. Unfortunately, we received neither an invitation nor announcement of the meeting. HBF would most definitely have been in attendance and participated had we been invited.

In 2024, HBF worked closely with the City of Beaufort to conduct surveys and assessments of more than 28 buildings included on the city’s internal list of historic properties that might need assistance. The project, an initiative by Mayor Phil Cromer, is to establish a neighborhood improvement program to aid property owners in the National Landmark Historic District. The HBF Board has committed extensive technical assistance, expertise and aid toward these programs. Several community organizations have joined together to support the neighborhood improvement program, and we are all hopeful that it can be put in place in the coming year.

Historic Beaufort Foundation is a 501(c)3 not for profit education foundation. We were established in 1965 with the mission to preserve and protect Beaufort’s historic and architectural legacy. As part of our preservation mission HBF established a Revolving Fund in the 1970s which has purchased, stabilized, renovated and saved properties throughout Beaufort’s National Historic Landmark District – especially the Northwest Quadrant (NWQ) and Old Common’s neighborhoods. Along with that program, HBF maintains a preservation and conservation easement program to further ensure long-term protection and stabilization of properties in the 304-acre district.

Most recently, HBF has worked diligently with the City of Beaufort (City Council, Planning Commission and HRB) on the recent Conditions and Integrity Study and proposed updates to the Beaufort Code and Beaufort Preservation Manual. The goal of all is to ensure safe and viable long-term housing while continuing to protect Beaufort’s unique historic built environment.

We look forward to continuing our work with the community partners to achieve these important goals.


— Cynthia C. Jenkins, Executive Director, Historic Beaufort Foundation (HBF)

The President of which we have been dreaming

I would like to thank you for the greatest public service in generations. For too long the American public has languished in complacency and comfort. We have taken for granted a government of checks and balances, a system that quietly served too many of us with dignity and measure, but without any excitement.

You have shown us how blind we have been to the value of extreme wealth. We have pathetically aspired to prosperity for ourselves without understanding that a really great society depends on government by billionaires. We wasted so much time quibbling over “character” and “public service” that we lost sight of the only ultimate role of government: efficiency! But with your superb cabinet picks and that dynamo, Elon Musk, leading the way, our great new future is already revealing itself!

You have shown us that the greatest nation in the world doesn’t need friends in other places. What we don’t already have, we can take. Alliances are inconvenient. All the technology we need is right here, along with the best workforce in the world, once we get rid of the outsiders that have embedded themselves in our land.

You are the President we have been dreaming of for generations! This has always been a country of great aspirations, but you are showing us every day how diversity, equality and inclusion got in our way. At last! You have set us on the only right path to greatness! We are WOKE and grateful!

— Carol Brown, Beaufort

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