Letters to the Editor

Be open, visit, connect

As soon as you start labeling people as other, less than, you are denying them as equal and human. Other can be disregarded. That is the beginning of justification for all kinds of abuse. “They” are different. “They” aren’t like us.

I believe that there are people in power that exploit and accentuate the differences and fears to pit people against each other. People are people everywhere. There’s no such thing as a country, state, planet, where all are united in evil. It is the individuals who can cross lines and connect that will prevent the inhumanity from taking over.

Therefore, if you believe in humanity, you must visit, meet and connect with people who come from different areas and backgrounds. When you know “other” as human beings, you cannot be convinced of their inhumanity. The us vs. them is the beginning of every conflict and war and may eventually be the end of us all.

Be open. Visit. Connect. It’s the only hope for your children’s future. Therefore the future of us all.

— Wendy Moustakas, Beaufort

Kudos on keeping veterans informed

Larry Dandridge was nice enough, several months back, to forward me a copy of an article that your newspaper was caring enough to pass along to thousands of our great veterans throughout the Lowcountry. I read his story with much interest, and it did not take me long to understand “his heart for veterans, and yours as well, for publishing his article.”

I also understand that you have been granting him space in your publication on a pretty frequent basis. And I just want add my thanks and gratitude “from afar” — northwestern South Carolina. Our great veterans (especially our elderly men and women along with their dependents) find that navigating the Veterans Administration, on so many occasions, is simply too overwhelming for them. They need to know there are many service organizations, like our Veterans Affairs Offices in every county of South Carolina are there to, among other top priorities, be especially mindful of our veterans and their many varied needs.

There are other Service Organizations throughout South Carolina, such as the American Legion, DAV Chapters, VFW Posts, Vietnam Veterans of America, Paralyzed American Veterans, AMVETS, along with the South Carolina Department of Veterans Affairs in Columbia, and others who may have Certified Service Officers in their membership who should be more than willing to help. It’s up to us to try and get the word out. If you are a veteran you can get the process started just by contacting one of these agencies/offices and simply ask them to go over with you, the various federal and state benefits that may be available to them. It may be the start of something good for you and your family.

I join Mr. Dandridge, and, I am sure, the Department of Veterans Affairs and all other offices/agencies whose mission is helping veterans in commending the The Island News in support of our veterans.

— Jerry Dyar, Director of the Oconee County (S.C.) Department of Veterans Affairs

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