Letters to the Editor

Thank you, editor

I am a retired Colonel from the S.C. Army National Guard, and a USMC Veteran of Desert Shield/Storm. I write to you in that capacity and not as a Family Court Judge.

I appreciate your publication of Larry Dandridge’s weekly articles concerning veterans benefits and the sharing of current military issues through The Island News. I wish we had such an article in our local newspaper, The Herald in York County. Larry has been kind enough to forward his articles to me for further dissemination, and I always credit The Island News for doing so.

I try to stay up to date on veterans issues through the Department of Veteran Affairs emails, but there are many veterans who do not have the technology or ability to navigate digital information sharing and still depend on the printed page to discover the state and federal benefits they are entitled to for serving their country in uniform.

South Carolina has proven to be a military friendly state in so many ways, and I am grateful The Island News reflects such strong support for our veteran community. Thank you from a grateful retired veteran.

— Col. David G Guyton, SCANG (ret.), York County

Thank you, editor, Part II

I want you to know that I read and share the weekly and informative Island News articles on veterans’ benefits by your Larry Dandridge.

Those articles are helpful and make navigating the complicated VA system easier. I have personally corresponded with Larry, and he has helped me immensely, immediately and always for free, whether by phone or email. His advice and answers to my questions have assisted me immensely with my actions to file for service-connected disability compensation.

Thank you and the Island News Team for supporting us veterans and our families.

— Lt. Col. Ken Walls, USA (ret., Vietnam 1968-69; Vietnam/Korea 1972-73), Huntsville, Ala.

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