Letters to the Editor

Thank you

Dear Mr. McCombs, I waned to thank you (and Margaret Evans) for providing local news coverage as a reasonable replacement for the Beaufort Gazette that I recall from 20 years past when they had a very competent local journalist and editor. That disappeared slowly as the BG moved further and further South of Broad. You are to be commended.

— Bruce Fryer

Extraordinary vision

This and future generations of Beaufort County residents will benefit from the extraordinary vision of Councilman Tom Reitz, who worked closely with Beaufort County School District Superintendent Dr. Frank Rodriquez to create the soon to be implemented Beaufort County Internship Program. The internship program is designed to both educate high school and college students about how local government works, and prepare them for future employment with Beaufort County.

Over 15 weeks, the interns will earn $15 an hour for up to 15 hours per week of onsite learning, special projects, and immersion in county government operations, including shadowing county employees. Applicants are generally expected to be at least 16 years. Human Resources Director Katherine Mead recommended approval of the internship program during the Finance, Administration & Economic Development Committee Meeting on June 17.

I’m extremely proud that Gullah students on St. Helena Island were among the first to be informed about the upcoming Internship Program by Reitz himself, during the Youth Enrichment Fair held by the Community Coalition Action Network of St. Helena Island (CCAN) at its headquarters on May 18.

Although the internship program won’t officially kick off until the beginning of the 2024-2025 Academic Year in August, applications for the program can be picked up at CCAN on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays from 10 a.m. to noon, and on Tuesdays from 10 a.m. to 8 p.m. CCAN is located at 808 Sea Island Parkway, on SHI. Applications are also available online.

I urge local high school and college students to take advantage of this unique educational/workforce training opportunity.

— Roy R. Brown, Co-Founder, The Community Coalition Action Network of St. Helena Island (CCAN), Beaufort

Mega common sense

Ms. D. Bev McCalla’s letter in the June 27 paper is spot on. Biden supporters have blood on their hands. How many have died at the border under Joe’s more humane policies? How about the 50 men, women and children boiled to death in the box truck? How many die every day due to their open border policies?

Democrats have given us the biggest boondoggles in our history: Afgan pull out, Hanoi pull out, Vietnam, Bay of Pigs, Pearl Harbor, and WTC 1 & 2. I know libs, without facts which is par for the course, love to say WTC was the worst under President Bush. But, look at the facts. The Muslims first attempted to bring down the towers under Clinton. 

Bill and Al chided the Muslims saying how they screwed up and could never do it. So under Bill’s nose, they imported a team of Muslims, trained them, and provided all the intel they needed to fly planes into our towers and showed Bill he was wrong. The ring leader told us this when he was captured. He stated they all figured Gore would be taking over. 

Luckily, Bush was in charge, created homeland security, and hit them back hard. Maybe if Bill was more concerned about terrorists than the Intern under his desk he would have stopped this tragedy. They did nothing after the first attack, nothing after Benghazi and AFGAN proved our weakness. Proud to be a MEGA conservative and the only way to save America.

— Jim Beck, Beaufort

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