Letters to the Editor

An endorsement for Catherine Templeton

I’ve now attended three forums where Catherine Templeton and Bill Young introduced themselves to those attending and answered questions as to their position on issues. Nancy Mace declined to appear before us. I voted for Catherine Templeton the first day of early voting and here’s why:

Catherine is a lawyer who served in Governor Nikki Haley’s administration as head of DHEC and as the Secretary of Labor. She founded and ran a very successful business, she’s a lady who will never embarrass us with inappropriate public statements about her sex life, and we desperately need her experience working for us in Congress. I urge you to vote for this true conservative who’ll help Mr. Trump get our Country back to sensible policies and traditional values. Vote Catherine Templeton.

– Edie Rodgers, Beaufort. Rodgers, a Republican, represented S.C. House District 124 from 1997 to 2001. 

Dominion Energy requesting another rate increase

On Monday June 10, there will be a public hearing in Bluffton on Dominion Energy’s latest request for a rate hike. Dominion is requesting a 14.21% increase. This follows the 2022-2023 increases that totaled more than 18%. This latest request does not include any potential increases to fuel (coal/natural gas) costs which are likely given the volatile nature of these finite commodities.

In their request, Dominion cites their inability to realize their profit goals. Seriously? They can’t run their business efficiently, so they try to force us ratepayers to cover for them? Oh, and did I mention that a portion of our utility bills goes towards lobbying in Columbia? And what is lobbied for is in direct contradiction to the best interests of ratepayers? Please consider showing up and voicing your displeasure with Dominion Energy.

6 p.m., Monday, June 10, Bluffton Town Council Chambers, 20 Bridge Street, Bluffton, S.C. 29910.

Register by June 7 via the Public Service Commission at contact@psc.sc.gov or at 803-896-5100.

– Mike Bogel, Beaufort

Carol Lucas, ‘rise above political fray’

Tell you what Carol Lucas, Alito and Thomas will recuse themselves as soon as Juan Marchan in NYC recuses himself from the Trump trial!!

Liberals often, very often, accuse the Right of doing exactly what the Democrats in NYC are doing to Trump.

The first paragraph in your article is a perfect example. To quote you, verbatim:

“Once again, we have proof that impartiality and ethical standards, as they apply to our not so supreme court, have gone to hell in a handbasket. How is it that the highest court in our country has become infiltrated with blatant corruption?”

Just replace supreme court with the letters DOJ, and the words highest court with Juan Marchan, and there you have it … dipsy-do-fliper-oooo … libs running you over.

– George Richardson, Beaufort

A challenge to our new county administrator

Michael Moore starts July 1. I do wish him well. I am glad he is a retired sailor, too, cause the county, like a great ship on the ocean, needs to be open to course changes, and he knows he could function as that small device called a trim tab on the rudder, without which a course change is difficult. 

I don’t know what his “top 10 goals” might be, but I’d like to offer a thought or two. And maybe he could publish a monthly column letting us know his thoughts; would not that level transparency be refreshing in this county! (P.S., The Island News is my “local paper!)

My concern is about change. It is of course inevitable, but perhaps the pace of what many may consider rampant uncontrolled over-development should not be inevitable? I perceive our County Council as having historically facilitated the status quo, which meant that developers have had full control of the reins without any brakes. 

And now our new administrator will soon experience his first hurricane season in a county watching the ocean’s steady rise and march westward — if you have not, sir, go walk our precious gem Hunting Island beach to its full length, put a stake in the high water mark and come back and check it … even a week will see change occurring at a pace to surprise you. So hoping perhaps that the issue of how climate change will affect Beaufort County and all of us could enter your thinking. 

As to whether I’d (again) support another “penny” tax for roads etc, considering how the last one nor the County really addressed our exploding traffic issues, well, convince me, please.

– Timothy Dodds, Lady’s Island.

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