Letters to the Editor

It’s not Trump’s appeal, it’s Biden’s incompetence

I read with some irritation the juvenile screed by Terry Manning in the January 18 edition of The Island News.

Single-issue voters can appear to be a bit short-sighted to self-proclaimed members of the cognoscenti. However, when a thinking adult declares that abortion is the issue that has really animated them during an election cycle, it doesn’t mean that they are unaware of other important issues. A responsible journalist should know that.

Mr. Manning’s use of the phrase “scandal-plagued” is laughable. Russian election interference? January 6th? Really?

Understanding Mr. Trump’s support among evangelical voters is child’s play. When Biden held a trans-gender celebration on the White House lawn, and stalwart news organizations like NBC News covered it, evangelicals clearly saw that the Biden administration embraces people and practices that they find utterly distasteful.

The charge that Mr. Trump is, “the most amoral national leader this country has had in more than a century” parades a laughable level of willful ignorance. The Biden administration is by far the most immoral, corrupt collection of degenerates that I have seen in 50 years of watching American politics. It’s obvious.

I’m sure my fellow Americans, who describe themselves as “single issue voters” are aware of the broader landscape than Mr. Manning is willing to admit. They may be more animated by a particular issue than they are by others, but they understand the importance of a porous border, rampant crime, and the environment. They need to vote. But one type of single-issue voter should stay home on election day. That is the type that only understands the leftist mantra, “not Trump.” Keeping a doddering incompetent, with his cabal of degenerates in office, would be a terrible abrogation of their duties and responsibilities as citizens.

– Thomas H. Lang is a retired Navy officer that now lives in Beaufort.

Thank you for Larry Dandridge

Lt. Col. Larry Dandridge, U.S. Army (ret.) has provided a great service to Veterans and their families. I have collected and filed all of the Lt. Colonel’s articles. I have used the information provided to receive help from the VA and to better understand the care, services, and programs for which I qualify.

I recently called and emailed the Lt. Colonel to ask for help and advice on how to resolve a problem that I did not know how to deal with. He immediately returned my call and provided outstanding advice and answered the many questions I had. Then He sent me a very in-depth email with a step-by-step procedure for me to follow in order to successfully get the help I need.

Additionally, he referred me to the Beaufort County Veterans Affairs Office and the DAV/AMVETS, to arrang for a Veterans Service Officer to provide help and guidance.

I wish to commend the Lt. Colonel and The Island News for providing such a valuable service to your readers at no charge. On behalf of myself, all veterans, and their families, I thank you and offer my deepest respect.

– L. Vinny Francese, MGySgt, USMC (ret.)

Road construction at a snail’s pace

Will the new road construction leading into the Sea Island Partway and Airport Circle intersection on Lady’s Island ever be completed? What is only about a 1,000-foot project has become an eternal slog, with no activity for long periods of time as construction equipment sits idly by. Unfortunately it is typical of S.C. road construction and maintenance in general – delayed and sporadic.

Secondly, the grade of the new road seems to be below that of the Sea Island Parkway. One has to question whether the project engineers have taken into account the projected significant rise in the sea level in the years ahead in what is a very low-lying area.

Finally, the intersection itself has become an ugly collection of traffic lights, wires, and mismatched poles. Clearly the traffic engineers are not worried about aesthetics. Beaufort has done a fine beautification job across town on Boundary Street, the western approach to downtown. There is now an opportunity to begin that process on Sea Island Parkway, the eastern approach to the city.

Is this project an example of our tax dollars not at work?

– Bruce Wager, St. Helena Island

A performing arts center?

Hey, whose idea was this? Is this a joke? Of all the things that people do not need on st Helena Island, a performing arts center ranks No. 1. Obvious to anyone if you’re familiar with the area. Hello – this is not Bluffton, people.

Look at the one road access/evacuation situation and current traffic on St. Helena Island and tell me that a facility that would attract large crowds from across the region is a smart idea. And look at the current zoning – rural with a cultural protection overlay – and tell me that the Gullah culture would be protected. And look at the fishing and farming communities and tell me what they need with an artsy, fartsy crowd invading their island on a regular basis.

Now, if the County just is look for a project to spend extra tax dollars on, more trash pickup would be most welcome by us and everyone who visits our island.

– Jerry Floyd, St. Helena Island

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