Letters to the Editor

Supporting a more bike friendly Beaufort
I was very excited to read about plans for Beaufort to improve road-sharing for cyclists and motorists.  I have just returned from a month’s trip up North.  While there, I biked several days in different states.  There were bike lanes on roads and also Rails to Trails routes. Last year I spent a month in California and Washington state.  I did a lot of biking on that trip as well.  In all of these locations there were many cyclists enjoying the trails and bike lanes. People of all ages, young and old, families, and individuals were out in large numbers.  There were also runners and walkers on these trails. I kept thinking that I wished Beaufort would become more bike friendly. This is a great way to promote family time together.  It gets people away from the computer and all of the time spent playing games and other things on it. In addition, tourists will have one more reason to visit our beautiful city.  Thank you all of the people helping to make Beaufort a great place to live and visit.
Charles D. Frost

Need to improve education in Beaufort County
I would like to express that I agree strongly with Mr. Damgen regarding the ridiculous antics of Board of Education in Beaufort County. I am a Pat Conroy follower and also an advocate for my children and their education. Its is absolutely sick how this county deprives children of growth and knowledge and at the same time it is OK to hoard taxpayer money for a setup for failure. This county needs to face whatever their fears are and use the money to get South Carolina off the low education list. We need quality! I would like to support Mr. Damgen and I am quite ready to take it to our governor.
Angie Mootry

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Obituary: Beekman Webb

Beekman Webb of Beaufort, S.C., a beloved husband, father, and grandfather passed away peacefully at home