Letter to the Editor

I support procreation and keeping it private

The (Aug. 17 column) written by Lolita Huckaby in Paragraph 9 incorrectly states: “It’s sad for some, to consider why citizens can’t just get along. But Port Royal, indeed the country, is still a democracy with freedom to speak one’s opinions.”

The United States is not a democracy, even though Franklin Delano Roosevelt began propagating that our government is one. We are a Constitutional Republic that elects its officials. “And to the republic for which it stands” remains in the Pledge of Allegiance as a reminder.

Plainly put, a democracy is “mob-rule.”

Imagine in the wild west days where the town sheriff arrested a suspect of a heinous crime. The townspeople might have broken into the jail and hung the man before a trial only to discover they had the real culprit’s brother instead of the actual perpetrator. That’s democracy. That’s mob rule. We are not a democracy.

Additionally, as for those that cited “Biblical scripture to support their opposing positions,” I don’t believe that has any place in civil discourse.

Sexualization of minors and preferences in the bedroom have no place being paraded or discussed in front of minor children.

Even Charles Darwin would argue logically against same-sex ideology as it would bankrupt the natural selection process.

I am here, as are your readers, because of one sperm by a man and one egg by a woman.

I support procreation and keeping it private, away from minors.

– Brad Wolff, Beaufort

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