Thanks for the articles about veterans’ benefits

I served 20 years in the U.S. Air Force (1979-1999). I was 17 when I went off to basic training.

My first USAF occupational specialty was as an aerial defensive gunner on B-52s. 416 BG, 668 BS.

When the Air Force removed the gun from the bomber, I was able to cross train as a Flight Engineer, and served in Charleston on C-141s in special operations. Also Dover AFB on C-5s, 436 MAW, 9th MAS.

I retired as a Sr. Master Sergeant. I am now an airline pilot flying out of Charleston and love the Lowcountry. My brother lives on Fripp Island, and I get the opportunity to read your excellent newspaper frequently.

I just want to thank The Island News for publishing articles each week about veterans’ benefits. Your support of the military and us veterans is appreciated. Those articles have helped me to get moving and apply for my Veterans benefits.

– Doug Tookmanian

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