Beaufort’s Baha’i community supports racial justice

The COVID-19 pandemic and the recent outcries of racial inequities and social injustice have awakened the world for the need to change our perceptions of each other and the way we treat one another — basically how we should live our lives.

The oneness of mankind, the elimination of racial prejudice, and the equality of men and women are some of the basic tenets of Baha’u’l ah, the Prophet-Founder of the Baha’i Faith. During these challenging times more people are coming to the realization of how America’s centuries-old, devasting effects of institutional racism have, in all aspects of our society, impeded the growth and development of this country.

According to the National Spiritual Assembly of Baha’is of United States on June 19, “There are already significant efforts under way to learn how to create models of unity in neighborhoods and communities throughout the nation. Bahá’ís have been persistently engaged in such efforts for many years. The aim is not unity in sameness — it is unity in diversity. It is the recognition that everyone in this land has a part to play in contributing to the betterment of society, and that true prosperity, material and spiritual, will be available to us all to the degree that we live up to this standard.

“We should earnestly discover what is being done, what truly helps to make a difference, and why. … If we do this, we could soon find ourselves in the midst of a mass transition toward racial justice.” 

The Spiritual Assembly of the Baha’is of Beaufort County and its Baha’i community welcome the opportunity to join with like-minded individuals and organizations in support of the elimination of racism — America’s most challenging issue, and for social justice.

– The Spiritual Assembly of the 

Baha’is of Beaufort County

For more information, email BeaufortCountyLSA@gmail.com, call 1-800-228-6483 or visit www.bahai.us/contact-form.

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