Letter to the Editor


Kudos to longtime teacher on retirement

Allow me to crow a little bit with pride and admiration. 

My wife, Kristy Wood, known to hundreds of Beaufortonians (both children and adults) as “Miss Kristy,” will be retiring from the Honeytree Preschool on June 1 after her presence there for a little over 40 years. 

I’m proud of the love she has shared, as well as the ethics she has instilled, with the many children she has taught over the years. I admire her for both her patience and stamina over those years, not only with her charges, but with what she has also taught and shared with me over our 44 years together. 

I’m not sure how many people appreciate the amount of effort a good pre-kindergarten teacher must exert to help build the strong foundations of ethical citizenship and self esteem within the (proven) critical age of 4- and 5-year-old children. 

I think Miss Kristy has gone above and beyond those efforts and requirements. I see the results often, when we are out in public and youngsters, as both past and present students, run up to her requiring a hug and some conversation.

Kristy was part of the early core Honeytree staff, housed way back when in the Pigeon Point neighborhood, which included Miss Sue Ann, the two Miss Bettys, Miss Kathy, Miss Audrey and Miss Connie. Kris was also an early graduate of the (then) young Leadership Beaufort program. She helped Sue Ann establish the first Hobbit Hill over in Shell Point, not to mention the countless hours of continuing education and CPR classes, DHEC regulation compliances and the work required for hundreds of arts and crafts projects.

I’m so proud of her proven good works and citizenship both inside and outside the classroom and I’ve been privileged to ride on her coattails in a social regard. 

Although I will miss the many “Kids Say the Darn-est Things” stories, I look forward to our retired life together which may prove Kristy’s biggest challenge yet: patience with me, Mr. Kristy. 

Tim Wood 

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