League of Women Voters hosting virtual candidate forums

By Mike McCombs

In an effort to make sure Beaufort County voters have the most detailed information possible about upcoming local and state elections, The League of Women Voters of Hilton Head Island and the Bluffton Area and the Beaufort League have joined together to host virtual candidate forums via Zoom.

The organizations are asking voters to register for the forums so that each candidate knows that as many of their constituents as possible are participating.

The first forum will be for candidates for the Beaufort County Council at 2 p.m. on Saturday.

Gerald Dawson (District 1) and Gerald Glover (District 3) will participate, though they are running unopposed. Brian Flewelling (District 5), also running unopposed, declined to participate, according to the LWV.

Jodie Srutter and Logan Cunningham, candidates for the District 7 seat for which the incumbent is not running, will both participate, as well.

To register, visit https://bit.ly/328GoRw. The meeting ID is 822 1137 3891 and the passcode is 860746.

Should voters have questions for the candidates relative to this campaign, they can send them to pafmontgomery@gmail.com ahead of time.

The next scheduled forum will be 6 p.m. Thursday, Sept. 17 for the Beaufort County Board of Education. Voters may register for that forum at https://bit.ly/3jZjaDI.

Dates for the final three forums – State Senate; State House Districts 118, 120, 123; and State House Districts 121, 122, 124 – are tentative. The Island News will update this story when plans are concrete.

The League of Women Voters has long one of the foremost organizations supporters of voter education and registration since 1928 when the League held the first Meet the Candidates national radio broadcast in the United States.

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