Lady’s Island Middle School students win SCETV contest on Reconstruction


A trio of Lady’s Island Middle School students came out winners in a recent statewide video contest on Reconstruction.

Alexander Tielens, Noah Henry and Parth Patel were the only winners from Beaufort County in the SCETV-sponsored “Deconstruct the Reconstruction Contest.”

The contest was held in conjunction with the April premier of the PBS documentary “Reconstruction: America After the Civil War” by renowned filmmaker, author and historian Henry Louis Gates.

“Lady’s Island Middle School and our community are very proud of the boys as they collaborated through this project,” Lady’s Island Middle School teacher Scott Shipsey said.

The students were responsible for creating, editing and uploading the video to the SCETV website, Shipsey said.

The winners were announced in a live, virtual classroom event with Gates. The students won an iPad and the honor of having their video placed in the SCETV video files library.

The video can be viewed at

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