Stephanie Greene spends her work days with 55 grandparents. She is the Business Office Manager and Community Marketer for River Oaks Assisted Living, and she says she and the rest of the staff members “are a family with 55 grandparents.”
At River Oaks, Stephanie says she does a little bit of everything. “I market our facility throughout the community and I take care of all the business office needs such as payroll, insurance, and human resources-related issues. I also oversee activities and social programs that enable our residents to be part of the greater community.”

Except for the time spent in Columbia attending the University of South Carolina, Stephanie has lived her entire life in Beaufort. Her father, Robert “Bobby” Greene, is a loan officer at Palmetto Finance on Lady’s Island and her mother, Patsye Greene, is the Register of Deeds for Jasper County.
Stephanie says that after college she wanted a career that would allow her to make a difference in people’s lives. Her passion for the elderly and love of the Beaufort community were also elements that made the position at River Oaks a good fit for her.
“I never know if I am going to be the last smile someone sees or the last laugh they hear or the last person to tell them good morning or I love you. I come to work every day knowing I can make someone’s day better,” she says.
Even though she refers to River Oaks residents as her grandparents, Stephanie says she didn’t expect to get so attached to them and their families.
“I love the fact that I am able to maintain a personal relationship with all of them. No one day is ever the same. It is surprising how much fun Bingo can be at 3:00 in the afternoon with a room full of seniors. One of my favorite times of the day is listening to them reminisce over a bottle of wine at happy hour. The life lessons I learn from their experiences are amazing.”
Stephanie’s philosophy behind not only her work, but also every activity and challenge she faces is Philippians 4:13 — “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.” And her activities and challenges are quite impressive. Although she has a fear of heights and bridges, she bungee jumped and ran the Cooper River Bridge and the Savannah Bridge. She’s also an avid runner, completing three half marathons in the past year and training for a full marathon.
Stephanie is an ambassador for the Beaufort Regional Chamber of Commerce. She is a member of the Sea Island Rotary, where she serves as the Social Chair. She is one of the redefining founders of the Lowcountry Jaycees and serves as the marketing and membership coordinator for the organization. She is a member of the Leadership Beaufort class of 2015 and she is a member of the Beaufort Republican Women’s Club. She is also a member of the sponsorship staff for the 60th Beaufort Water Festival and she is an activist for Alzheimer’s Family Services of Greater Beaufort. She attends Cornerstone Christian Church where she is a member of the prayer team.
She recently was awarded the 2014-2015 Lowcountry Young Professional of the Year Civitis award. In September, she received the Rookie of the Year award for the Sea Island Rotary Club.
One of her most recent accomplishments is becoming the president of the University of South Carolina Alumni group for Beaufort County.
Stephanie says she plans to continue to step up and stand out in the community.
“God knew what he was doing when he opened this door at River Oaks for me because after working with so many active seniors and hearing their life stories, I know I want to leave behind a legacy of service above self. More young people need to step up and help bridge the gap between where Beaufort has been and where we want to see Beaufort go.”