Is there an art to truly letting go?

By Denise Neal

I often hear people giving what they consider sage advice. “Just let it go, you’ll feel so much better.” 

Wise words that are much easier said than done. Words that give me pause, as I visualize a tiny hand holding tightly to the string attached to their precious balloon. One slip of the thumb, and off it goes up, up and away. If letting go were only quite that simple. 

How tightly we cling to our beliefs, judgments, angers and stressors. Holding on for dear life, as if these outdated feelings and statements will leave us wobbly and uncentered should we release them with one slip of our thumb. Some, frantically running after that balloon to catch it, only to bring it securely back against their bodies. 

Over the past few years, I have diligently been working on letting go of things that no longer have a place in my life. Letting go can sometimes leave us raw, feeling as if our heart has been sliced in two, causing us to feel as if we are handing over part of our soul, our identity, our thoughts, when in fact it is opening space for new joy, new beginnings and new experiences to come in. 

Life is going to unfold just exactly how it is supposed to. We can learn to trust and believe the process is happening just as it is, and let go of the need to control. 

It is not up to us as humans to control people, circumstances, life in general, and by letting go of this practiced trait, we open ourselves up to releasing ego and handing us faith in spirit to work the magic we are here to do. 

Hold on to your hats, because when control is surrendered, the ride is incredible!

I wonder, how many out-dated beliefs do we hold on to? Beliefs that were taught to us by others through the years, ones we pass on to the next generation. 

Striving for perfection, at all costs, no matter how detrimental our behavior becomes as we trick ourselves into thinking we constantly have to do better, be better, look better, work harder. 

Perfection is an illusion, one that keeps us unhappy and unwilling to look at the positive and good actions we HAVE accomplished. It’s much more attractive to be approving and accepting of the gifts we’ve been given and understand that who we are is a gift of beauty and it is enough. 

Let old beliefs whisk away in the wind, and let us cut ourselves the break we deserve, while being who we are, doing things the way we love to do it. Let go and let our heart and soul soar into being exactly who we are meant to be.

Creating boundaries is a part of self-care. We have a right to set boundaries and insist on keeping them in place when others disrespect them by pushing and prodding us rinto doing things we do not wish to partake in, whether it be setting hours that are for work, or for our time alone, to setting boundaries for others expectations of you. 

If you do not have boundaries set in place that show to the world self-respect, self-love, and self-care, how can we expect to be treated that way? 

Boundaries are imperative, and at times it may be necessary to go within and ask ourselves who is actually crossing the line. Is it others, or is it our own ego pushing us to cross our boundaries to gain recognition, martyrdom, and feel needed? 

Take the time to let go of anything creating a conflict between ourselves and boundaries, and we will set ourselves free.

Those are just a few instances of letting go of ways to bring amazing new light into our lives. Learning to let go of the things that are resonating with you will free up energy and you will begin to reap the benefits of a grateful, happy life.

Letting go is a process, blended with us willing to do the work. How deeply we dig is totally up to us and can only be done by us alone. This is our path and nobody else’s. 

Repaint your canvas today, rewrite your story, reward yourself with true joy. 

Denise Neal a published author, a practicing self-care and mindset and manifestation coach, crystal and Reiki master, intuitive reader and a breath work and meditation teacher. She is also a licensed aesthetician, offering premium treatments such as microcurrent and LED light therapy for the skin. Visit

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