Bob Sofaly photo One-year-old franternal twins Amias and Kami Middleton sit in the shade while Grandmother Melissa Wright takes thier picture Saturday at the Cartaret Street United Methodist Church’s pumpkin patch. While Kami is ready to be held, Amias wants to see what all the fuss is about regarding the great orange orbs. The patch will be open noon-6 p.m. through Sunday, October 31. All funds from the sale of pumpkins go the church’s Youth Ministry.


One-year-old franternal twins Amias and Kami Middleton sit in the shade while Grandmother Melissa Wright takes their picture Saturday at the Cartaret Street United Methodist Church’s pumpkin patch. While Kami is ready to be held, Amias wants to see what all the fuss is about regarding the great orange orbs. Photo by Bob Sofaly. 

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Edith Alfieri Warter

Obituary Edith Alfieri Warter died peacefully on November 20th, 2024 in Mystic, Connecticut at the age of 79.  Edie and