Health & Business briefs

Dancing Dogs Yoga owner Shelley Lowther receives Baptiste certification
Shelley Lowther, owner of Dancing Dogs Yoga, was recently certified as a Baptiste Power Vinyasa Yoga instructor. Lowther has clocked more than 700 hours of training in Vinyasa Yoga, and has studied alongside acclaimed best-selling author, teacher and founder of Baptiste Yoga, Baron Baptiste.
“I have had the great honor to study and train with Baron Baptiste, and with many of his senior teachers, including Mark White of MBody Yoga in Jacksonville, Fla, “ Lowther said.   “The Baptiste community is welcoming, inspirational and motivating, and I look forward to bringing many great Baptiste trained teachers to guest teach in the Lowcountry.”
Lowther also is offering current Dancing Dogs Yoga students an opportunity to get involved with the yoga community through the Ambassador Work Exchange Program or Assisting and Apprenticing Program. Interested students are invited to practice with Lowther at 6 p.m. and stay after for an open house on these programs. Two open house sessions are scheduled from 7:30-8:30 p.m. July 11 at the Beaufort location.
For more information, visit

Nationwide labor birth doula training workshop to be held in Beaufort
The Organization of Labor Assistants for Birth Options & Resources, toLabor, is pleased to announce an upcoming Beaufort Birth Doula Training Workshop. Birth doulas, also known as labor assistants, are people who support women and their family through labor and birth. As more people become aware of the benefits of doulas and the Cesarean rate continues to sky rocket, the demand for professionals trained in labor support has gone up and doula profession is rapidly growing.  Research has shown that hiring a birth doula is one of the best precautions against medically unnecessary cesareans sections and other interventions in childbirth, and can even shorten labor.
ToLabor  is a national educational organization providing information on evidence-based practices and safe options and choices for childbirth. The training workshop will be held in Beaufort and will take place November 30 to December 2. Registration is now open. The workshop will be taught by Therese Hak-Kuhn, Executive Director of toLabor from Richmond, Va. The training is relevant not only to people who want a career as a doula, but also for other professionals such as nurses, childbirth educators, massage therapists and other bodyworkers, and anyone with an interest in birth.  It is relevant for women who want to be informed about choices in childbirth regardless of background or experience.
All inquiries can be directed to the workshop sponsor, Ifetayo White of CHOICES Birthing and Wellness Support, at 843-271-1923 or or, or

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