Health briefs for September 1st-7th

Lyme disease support group to meet in Bluffton

The next scheduled meeting of the Lowcountry SC Lyme Disease Support Group will take place from 6:30-7:45 p.m. Wednesday, Sept. 14, at the Just Be Centre, 159 State St. in Bluffton.

The group has been formed for the support of those who are currently fighting lyme disease, those who are currently in remission and for their families and caregivers.

The group is open to anyone in Beaufort County and the Savannah area who is fighting the debilitating disease and/or their caregivers/loved ones. Those interested in joining the group or learning more can search Lowcountry SC Lyme Support Group and Meetup on Facebook or email For more information, visit the International Lyme Disease Association (ILADS) at

County residents should protect against Zika

While no cases of the Zika virus have been found in Beaufort County, citizens are encouraged by the county’s Mosquito Control program to be vigilant.

The mosquito associated with Zika virus is a very aggressive daytime biter and its peak feeding times are typically during early morning and late afternoon hours. BCMC recommends the following prevention:

• Empty/clean containers that hold water.
• Wear long-sleeved shirts, long pants, hats.
• Protect windows and doors with screens
• Use insect repellant for clothing (always follow label instructions)

Only one species of mosquitoes (Aedes albopictus or the “Asian tiger” mosquito) may potentially transmit Zika virus in the Lowcountry. BCMC is increasing surveillance for this particular mosquito.

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News briefs for September 1st-7th

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Health fraud

Also called: Health scams, Quackery Health fraud scams involve selling medicines, supplements, devices, foods, or cosmetics that