Jim Dickson

DICKSON: Hair on fire?


By Jim Dickson

I am discovering that there is a certain joy in not having your hair on fire, or running around shouting that the sky is falling, which for the past four years I was inclined to do. After the last election I had a nice feeling of relief knowing that America was not on her last legs after all, and that the stumbling, bumbling incompetent people who had been running the country were at long last gone. 

I doubt that my poor effort to help achieve their exit had much to do with it. I am pretty sure that they were hoisted on their own petard, as it became more and more evident that they had bad ideas and bad policies. The American people in their wisdom saw the truth and voted for change. Although I do have to admit that do miss Ms. Harris’s words of wisdom, but I guess I can live with that.

Which brings us to the events of the past few weeks. Wow! I don’t even know where to begin. I doubt that in the history of American politics there has ever been anything like this. Some historians have compared Trump to Andrew Jackson, who at the time sent shock waves through the body politic, but as radical as Andy was for his time he can’t come close to what is going on now. The Dems and a few Republicans are stunned, they are like a deer in the headlights not knowing which way to turn. 

Everything that they have thrown at Trump has bounced off, and come back to wack them in the face. Someone said that keeping up with Trump is like trying to drink from a firehouse, by the time you swallow you are hit in the face with another blast. 

All their best weapons like, racist, fascist, felon, sexist, and Nazi have fallen on deaf ears, all the old tried and true tactics have not worked. They are like the boy who cried wolf too many times and no one would listen any more, this time the wolf is here and he is among them, but it’s too late.

Elon Musk whether they know it or not, is God sent to the Dems. He has given rise to the new cause de jour. MDS, “Musk Disparagement Syndrome.” It has somewhat replaced TDS and given a new life to the talking heads in the liberal media. It may even save MSNBC and CNN from bankruptcy. 

Their ratings had tanked after the Trump election, but with Elon as the new whipping boy, the ratings are on the way back up again. They and the Dem pols do have a bit of a problem though because being for waste and corruption in government is a bad place to be, so instead they have found that being against Elon Musk is a pure and just cause. 

Musk has gone from the darling of the New Green Deal to an unelected foreign devil, who is a closet Nazi, and maybe even an agent of Putin who is out to destroy Democracy as we know it.

I can only suggest to the Dems and some of my fellow Republicans that not having your hair on fire, and telling all who will listen that the sky is falling is a pleasant feeling, and maybe they should try it. Learn to live with more energy from the Gulf of America and lower energy prices, enforcing our immigration laws, the tempering of DEI, ESG and weeding out waste and corruption in government. 

Probably irritating our two closest neighbors is not a good idea, but I guess time will tell on that. The sky is not falling and this all too shall pass. Except maybe for the asteroid that is hurtling through space toward earth that might hit and wipe out civilization some time in 2038, but just ask President Trump, he probably can with the stroke of a Sharpie, fix that too.

Born, raised and educated in the Southwest, Jim Dickson served in the U.S. Navy Reserve in Vietnam before a 35-year business career. Retired to St. Helena Island, Dickson and his wife are fiscally conservative, socially moderate and active in Republican politics, though they may not always agree with Republicans. Having lived around the country and traveled around the world, Dickson believes that the United States truly is the land of opportunity.

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