Carol Lucas

Gratitude as 2024 comes to a close


By Carol Lucas

By the time you read this, Christmas will have passed, and the few remaining days of 2024 will be careening to a close.

There is a bit of a dichotomy in my thought process during December. You see, my late husband’s birthday was the 19th, and that kind of day is marked by some level of sadness. Overall, I worked my way through the grief that consumed me the first few years, and I focus upon all the good that is in my life; that is a lot.

In an effort to end the year on a positive note, I decided to reflect upon those situations and events for which I am grateful. Yes, I know Thanksgiving tends to be the holiday dedicated to this, but I prefer to think of the end of November and all of December as a time of celebration and acknowledging everything in my life that makes me happy.

I certainly put at the top of my list, my family. I have two wonderful daughters who married great men; both are like sons to me. My older daughter and her husband have two girls, and they are the light of my life.

Now I have a great grandson. Who wouldn’t be over the moon? Are we the perfect family? Of course not. We have our disagreements and misunderstandings, but all in all, we consider ourselves to be pretty lucky.

Then there are my friends. They are multitudinous, all different, all loved for their individuality. Somehow during the past month I managed to get together with so many of these. My calendar was full, as was my heart. Times like these are precious, and retrospect makes them even more so.

Among my friends is a very special group, my former students. Facebook, which I avoided for years, has permitted this reconnection, and it is pure delight. I have never taken the time to count exactly how many of my “kids” I am in touch with, but I am guessing the number is well over 50. 

Ask any teacher, and he or she will tell you there is nothing quite so fulfilling as seeing the 16-year-old you had in class as a successful, well-functioning adult with kids of his or her own.

Of course, I have to admit that it was a bit stunning when the birthdays of several from my first year of teaching showed the age of 75! What?? After my congratulations and well wishes, I added the fact that I didn’t see how they could have attained that age since I am only 49.

I should add that I have also learned that some I had in class have passed away. So young, and so difficult for me to process. One of my girls was recently diagnosed with ALS. I try to keep in touch with her and provide encouragement for something encouragement won’t cure. These are the times when I feel helpless and crushed. And it is also the time when I whisper a prayer of gratitude for my own good health.

I must add that I am grateful to be living in a country where I can still express my opinion without retribution, and I pray that continues to be the case. When I see pictures of war-torn places, my heart lurches just a bit, and I lament the situation of those who are displaced and without a home.

Finally, I will conclude with a note of gratitude some of you may find amusing. Jim Dickson, I am grateful for your acknowledgment a couple of weeks ago of our being in agreement on an issue. Now you may be saying, “Oh, come on.” However, I am serious. You said, rightfully so, that we rarely agree on anything political.

But the point is, Mr. Dickson, you acknowledged a place where we do agree. That should somehow serve as a beacon. We agree to disagree, and yet we do agree on this! No “snarkiness,” no flippancy, no downright meanness. Kudos to you, sir. You have my respect for this!

To conclude, dear reader, I want to acknowledge my gratitude for you. Many of you have connected with me personally, and I am deeply humbled. This goes as well for those at The Island News who continue to publish my rants on a weekly basis. Writing keeps my mind agile … no comments, please!

I make no promises regarding my subject matter, come 2025. When it comes to politics, I’m not sure a softer, gentler Carol exists. I try to research what I write, and if I am in error, I will admit it.

I wish all of you a very happy and healthy 2025.

Carol Lucas is a retired high school teacher and a Lady’s Island resident. She is the author of the recently published “A Breath Away: One Woman’s Journey Through Widowhood.”

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