Giving the gift of time

By Takiya Smith

With Christmas less than a week away, the smell of fresh pine, the sound of the season and the look of holiday cheer aglow decorate our homes and hearts. The countdown is now on for that final phase of shopping that needs to be completed, but for some, shopping is more a task than enjoyment.  The Christmas season can be a time of daunting struggles when it comes to finding that perfect or just right gift.  What do you get the person that has everything? Or better yet, what does the person who has nothing get anybody?  Budgets can be tight and ideas can be limited, so why not give the gift of time?
According to, the definition of time is defined as “a nonspatial continuum in which events occur in apparently irreversible succession from the past through the present to the future.”
What is so validating about time and this definition are the words “nonspatial” and “irreversible.” When we give of our time, it is unlimited and is something that can not be taken back with a receipt.  Our time, among many things, is invaluable, precious and vital in defining the past, present and future, which exists to shape ours and the lives of others.
Though you can not wrap time in a nice gilded box complete with a big pretty bow, a gift certificate or simple card stating your intent is sure to wow and bring joy to a busy mother needing the day off.  You can offer your hard working and dedicated secretary the opportunity to be relieved of answering calls for an hour or two or you can offer to clean the house, take out the garbage or cut the lawn for an elderly neighbor, your parents or husband.
The possibilities are endless and the sentiment is sincere, so what could be better than giving the gift of time?  This holiday season and for many more to come, start a tradition of giving for it is truly better to give than to receive.
To my dear friend, Barbara, thank you for taking the time to offer me such a wonderful gift to share with such a wonderful community. This article is credited and dedicated to you. Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to all from Beautique Lash & Brow.

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