Giving the gift of beauty

By Takiya Smith
Synonymous with the season, and just as the Bible teaches, it is better to give than to receive.  The holidays come with feelings of joy, excitement and the enjoyment of fellowship with close friends and family.  Parties galore and gifts aplenty add to the sheer spirit of this festive season as we look to close out one year and begin another anew.  For most, this is a time of cheer and reflection but for many the holidays are times of despair and grieving that some of us could not begin to comprehend.  The memory of a loved one lost. The sadness of  being alone at a time known for gathering. This holiday, as we take time for ourselves and family, let’s come together as a community and make time for others as well.
With that said, and in honor of giving, Beautique Lash & Brow would like to introduce our very first annual “Giving the Gift of Beauty.”  Here at Beautique, we recognize that beauty is not everything but that it can be a key starting pick-me-up to a rejuvenated, energized and new you, allowing you to present a fresh face and move forward.  Teaming up with our local beauty professionals and the community, Beautique Lash & Brow will honor two well deserving recipients with a total and full hair, skin, nail, face, body and clothing makeover.
We are looking for community support in this annual event and simply ask that you nominate a male or female candidate who meets the requirements of deserving a fresh start makeover. Go to our website at to  view requirements and guidelines as well as make submissions for nominees.  The deadline for submissions is Friday, December 23.

Takiya Smith, Beautique Lash & Brow. Master Lash & Brow Stylist, CPCP

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