The League of Women Voters and the Pan Hellenic Council registered people to vote and helped those who had not been counted for the 2020 U.S. Census on Saturday, Sept. 26, in the parking lot of the Port Royal Piggly Wiggly. Jane Caffrey, President of the League of Women Voters – Beaufort Area, said it was a successful weekend. According to an email from Caffrey, the groups contacted 359 people, registered 25 to vote, gave 42 registration forms for later completion, helped complete 16 census forms on site and gave out 35 census flyers for later completion. The LWV will be at at the same location for the last time on Saturday, Oct. 3. One can still register to vote online by going to All voters must be registered by Oct. 5 to be eligible to vote Nov. 3. There are no exceptions. Photo by Bob Sofaly
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