
“Given that so much instruction will be online this year, parents should do everything they can to ensure their kids are active in the real world. Get your children outside by promoting physical activity or taking them on field trips to parks or interesting historical sites. Encourage them to develop hobbies, write in journals, and read books (The American Reading Company has an excellent leveled selection, and a particularly good one for Black boys). Talk to your kids about their experiences with online learning and listen closely to what they have to say.” — UCLA Distinguished Professor of Education Pedro Noguera

“Applying what is learned from one context to another is a key component of learning, but it isn’t always easy and it takes a lot of practice. It is recommends turning the challenges of online education into an opportunity to practice transfer of learning with your child. Work with your child to select and apply what they’ve learned from online lessons to different real-life situations. Use online resources to provide various examples, such as text, pictures, video, and audio. Helping your child make connections to what they learn online, at home, and in school will help them develop important skills to continue learning in the future.” — Virginia Tech Human Development and Family Science Assistant Professor Koeun Choi 

“Structured screen breaks are a crucial part of ensuring wellbeing for both kids and adults. Celebrate Screen-Free Saturdays as a family. Kids will complain a lot less about screens going off when they see their caregivers leading by example and available for offline fun. And, a break from the constant noise of the news and social media will help parents recharge for the many challenges of the week ahead.”— Campaign for a Commercial-Free Childhood Executive Director Josh Golin


Reference source: Children and Screens

Since its inception in 2013, Children and Screens: Institute of Digital Media and Child Development, has become one of the nation’s leading non-profit organizations dedicated to advancing and supporting interdisciplinary scientific research, enhancing human capital in the field, informing and educating the public, and advocating for sound public policy for child health and wellness. For more information, see or write to

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