Mr. Gary Kubic, who has served as Beaufort County Administrator since 2004, will be the guest speaker for the August Lady’s Island Business Professionals Association (LIBPA) meeting. His professional career includes 37 years of experience in government administration. He holds a Bachelor of Science degree in Business Administration from Ohio State University and a Juris Doctor Degree from the University of Akron, School of Law in Akron, Ohio.
Specific subjects he has been requested to include in his discussion with our members are:
• Where and how intense must the next round of county fiscal cuts have to be for survival?
• What is needed for economic development in Beaufort County?
• Should there be a follow on referendum for the 1% transportation sales tax?
• Is a metro concept realistic for northern Beaufort County?
• Can Beaufort County realistically take any further action in regard to illegal immigration?
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