Photo above: Aria Anacleto, 3, dumped all her candy in the middle of Bay Street to take a quick inventory during the annual Trick-or-Treat Beaufort in 2016. Photo by Bob Sofaly.
Staff reports
There are lots of spooky goings-on going on in Northern Beaufort County. Here are a few:
• Trick-or-treaters are invited to don their Halloween costumes and bring their treat bags for the annual Trick-or-Treat in Downtown Beaufort. Kids can visit more than 50 stores and businesses along Bay Street, West Street, Scott Street, Carteret Street and beyond for “treats” from 4:30-6 p.m. Thursday, Oct. 26.
This event is free and open to the public.
Trick or Treat in Downtown Beaufort is a safe activity for the children of Beaufort. Parents are strongly encouraged to attend and stroll through the downtown with their children.
Bay Street, from Newcastle to Carteret Street (Newcastle Street will not be closed) and Port Republic to Scott Street will be closed to automobile traffic from 4:15-6 p.m.
Trick or Treat in Downtown Beaufort is hosted by Main Street Beaufort, USA, the City of Beaufort Police Department, and the merchants of downtown Beaufort.
• MCRD Parris Island is holding a Fall Festival from 6-10 p.m. Friday, Oct. 20, across from Quarters One. There will be costume contests, music, games, bounce houses, food and more. This event is free. Call 843-228-1570 for more information.
• Ghost tour carriage rides leave every 20 minutes starting at 6:30 p.m. from the parking lot at 1006 Bay St. Each tour lasts approximately 45 minutes. The tours start at 7 p.m. on Friday, Oct. 20, to Sunday, Oct. 22; and from Friday, Oct. 27, to Sunday, Oct. 30. The cost is $22 for adults and $12 for ages 3-11. Ghost tour walking tours begin at 7 p.m. and leave every 20 minutes from Cannon Park (across the street from 611 Bay St.). Each tour lasts approximately one hour. The cost is $12 for all ages. Visit
• The Thomas Heward Academy Haunted Trail will feature scary stuff, including zombies and more. There will also be music, prizes, food, games and vendors for all ages, face painting and a jump house.
This event is being held at the Blue Heron Nature Trail in Ridgelend. Take I-95 to Exit 21 and look for the signs. Free parking is available.
The Haunted Trail will be open from 7 p.m. to midnight on Saturdays, Oct. 21 and Oct. 28, and from 7-10 p.m. Sundays, Oct. 22 and Oct. 29.
• Trunk or Treat will be held from 3-5 p.m. Sunday, Oct. 29, on Paris Avenue between 9th and 12th streets in Port Royal.
Trunk or Treat is a fun, safe daytime alternative to evening trick or treating for children and their families. Attendees can bring their decorated cars, trucks or golf carts and get in the sprit by handing out goodies to the children. Or, fancy up your lawn chair and hand out candy.
Games, Tuck the Clown, and free hot dogs and drinks will be on hand as folks wander the three blocks along Paris Avenue viewing the creative assortment of Halloween-decorated vehicles chock full of goodies.
For more information or to bring a vehicle, contact Barney Forsythe of St. Mark’s Episcopal Church, one of the event sponsors, at or 573-544-5179.