A U.S. Marine Corps F/18D Hornet aircraft with Marine Fighter Attack Squadron 115, Marine Corps Air Station Beaufort, taxis on the runway during the KFT23 at Gwangju Air Base, Republic of Korea, April 13, 2023. Photos by Cpl. Raymond Tong/USMC

From MCAS Beaufort to South Korea

U.S. Marine Corps Capt. Rachel Imhoff (left) and Capt. Landon Keller, F/18D Hornet aircraft pilots with Marine Fighter Attack Squadron 115, Marine Corps Air Station Beaufort, arrive at Gwangju Air Base, Republic of Korea, during the Fiscal Year 2023 Korea Flying Training, April 13, 2023. KFT 23 is a combined training event focused on tactical execution of combat missions and is part of the ROK-U.S. alliance’s routine, annual training program.
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