First responders organization holds fundraiser

Photo above: These are some of the items that were up for auction to raise money for the 200 Club of the Coastal Empire. Photos provided.

Staff reports

The Inaugural Songs and Beers for Heroes, which was originally scheduled for Sept. 11, was held on Oct. 23.

The first date was postponed due to Tropical Storm Irma. And in spite of a stormy weather on Oct. 23, the community still came together and made the event a success. 

Raising nearly $10,000 for the surviving families of fallen First Responders, the funds were presented to the nonprofit 200 Club of the Coastal Empire, the charity that provides financial assistance to the families several counties, including those in Beaufort County.

“Without the brave men and women who risk their lives for our sake, our lives would be very different,” according to the organization’s website. “That’s why when tragedy strikes, the 200 Club immediately responds with financial support to help lessen the devastating effects. We realize money can never replace the loss or disability of a loved one, but funds can be extremely helpful in easing the financial burden associated with these tragic events.

“Our line-of-duty benefit for firefighters and law enforcement officers, while active members of their departments, is an immediate and significant cash payment to the surviving spouse and children. This benefit is presented at a meeting attended by the family members, fellow officers and directors of the 200 Club, who discuss the club’s benefit program with the family.

The event’s sponsors included Evicore, Homann’s Africa, Palmetto Fire Apparatus, Randy Fix and Charter One Realty, Lee Distributing, Budget Blinds, Nitelites, Home Depot, Weidner & Wegmann LLC and Sign Pro Plus.

The music acts included Naytiv, Spike Ivory and the Pinckney Island Boys for entertaining the crowd. Seven local breweries also participated, including Coastal Empire, Dead Eric, Hilton Head Brewing, River Dog, Salt Marsh, Service Brewing and Southern Barrel. 

Fat Patties hosted the event.

The 2nd Annual Songs and Beers for Heroes will be held on Sept. 11, 2018. Details will be forthcoming as the date draws closer.


auction 2017 6 auction 2017 5 auction 2017 3 Auction 2017 1

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Beekman Webb of Beaufort, S.C., a beloved husband, father, and grandfather passed away peacefully at home