First public session for City Comp Plan moved to Aug. 10

From staff reports 

The City of Beaufort has rescheduled its first public session to review the working draft of the City’s 2021 Comprehensive Plan to Aug. 10, instead of Aug. 5. Sessions also will be held on Thursday, Aug. 12. 

Members of the public will be required to wear masks to attend these meeting, which will be held at City Hall. 

City Planning staff will be available to explain various elements of the Comprehensive Plan and answer questions. Members of the public are encouraged to submit comments about the plan either electronically or on paper at these sessions. 

The sessions, which will be held at City Hall, are: 

5-7 p.m. Tuesday, Aug. 10; 

and 2-4 p.m. and 5-7 p.m. Thursday, Aug. 12. 

The working draft of the 2021 Comprehensive Plan has been shared with City Council, the Metropolitan Planning Commission and area stakeholders. The City’s Planning staff is asking for feedback and comment as it continues to refine the plan. Input and feedback should be emailed to Senior Planner Dan Frazier at 

The working draft of the Comprehensive Plan can be found at, with each section its own PDF. The sections include population, economic development, natural resources, cultural resources, community facilities, housing, land use, transportation, and resiliency. The Comprehensive Plan guides all planning, zoning-, and development-related decisions. 

Public comment via electronic means will be closed on Aug. 20. 

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