Filing opens Friday for candidates interested in open Beaufort City Council seat

Filing opens Friday May 13 for candidates interested in filling the Beaufort City Council seat left vacant by the passing of longtime Councilman Gary Fordham last month. The special election will be held July 19.


The filing deadline is noon Saturday, June 4, for candidates interested in the position.  Fordham, whose term expires in 2012, passed away April 22. He had said he wouldn’t seek re-election to the Council seat he’d held for 12 years. Beaufort City Council seats are non-partisan and elected at large, meaning all registered voters in the City will be able to participate in the special election.

Interested candidates must submit their signed paperwork to the Beaufort County Election Commission by noon on June 4 and pay the $150 filing fee. Checks should be made out to the City of Beaufort.

The filing essentially should say: “I hereby file notice that I am a candidate for election to the office of Council member in the special municipal election to be held on July 19, 2011. I certify that I am a qualified elector and resident of the City of Beaufort.”

For more information about Beaufort City Council, visit



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