Beaufort High students evacuated due to gas leak

A gas leak was detected at approximately 8:30 a.m. Thursday, Dec. 10, at Beaufort High School. The fire department arrived on the scene within two minutes and the building was evacuated by 8:35.

By recommendation of the Fire Marshall, students were sent home due to the amount of time required to clear the building. Parents were notified of the situation and that they could pick up their children. Additionally, 32 school buses returned to the school to take students home.

A preliminary investigation determined the cause of the leak was related to an issue with a pipe, and repairs were started immediately.

“Our personnel did an excellent job keeping our students safe,” Superintendent Frank Rodriguez said in a release. “This is why drills are so important. So, when a situation arises you’re ready.”

Beautfort native wins People’s Choice Award for high-tech map making

Two Cedarville (Ohio) University students earned the People’s Choice Award for their global information system (GIS) map showing Ohio wild animal-vehicle collision sites and hotspots.

Benjamin Dunning, an environmental science major from Beaufort, and Lauren Pride, an environmental science major from Batavia, Ohio, were recognized with the award during the recent Southwest Ohio GIS Users Group (SWOGIS) meeting.

GIS is a computer based system that enables users to gather, manage and analyze data, then use that information to create maps and 3D visualizations that provide insight for better decision-making by business and government leaders.

Nearly 100 individuals registered for the SWOGIS competition.

Admissions season open at JPII

For any family interested in learning about a John Paul II Catholic School education, admissions season has begun. A virtual Open House will be held at noon, Sunday, Jan. 31 at Applications for 2021-2022 are now available online. New student applications are due Feb. 15, and tuition assistance applications close March 15.

Call Anne McClure, JPII admissions coordinator, for more information at 843-645-3838.

JPII educates students from 7th to 12th grades and is currently conducting in-person learning with a remote option.

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