Downtown construction updates

Charles Street traffic signal improvements: The installation of new traffic signal arms along Charles Street is nearing completion — the work is 85 percent done at Charles and Craven streets; 75 percent complete at Charles and Boundary; and 60 percent complete at Charles and Bay streets.

The contractor, Walker Brothers, returned Monday to finalize installation of the traffic lights on the new arms and to clean up the work site. Their subcontractor, Site Source, will return to the project to finish the remaining concrete work at Bay and Charles streets on July 28 after the Water Festival.

Downtown streetlight upgrade: As of Monday, July 3, 55 of the total planned 65 new streetlights have been installed and working in downtown Beaufort. The new, brighter lamps are located at Bay, Charles, West, Scotts and Craven streets. The contractor will attempt to install five more streetlights along Carteret Street, between Bay and Port Republic streets, by July 11.

With major downtown events scheduled this month, including the July 11 F-35B new squadron celebration in the Waterfront Park and the Water Festival July 18-27, work on the remaining five Carteret Street streetlights and landscape irrigation will resume after July 28.

It is anticipated that all work on the downtown lighting, traffic arm installations on Charles Street, final intersection striping, concrete work at handicap ramps and associated irrigation work will be completed by the end of August.

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