County announces updates to Capital Improvements Projects

FY25 Capital Improvement Plan released

Staff reports

Beaufort County is dedicated to providing high-quality services to its residents and enhancing the quality of life through strategic planning and development. The Capital Improvement Plan outlines the county’s ongoing plans for infrastructure improvements and community enhancements. 

The Fiscal Year 2025 plan, now available online, serves as a guiding document for the county’s development initiatives.

Spanish Moss Trail: The Spanish Moss Trail has fully reopened ahead of schedule. This beloved trail provides a beautiful pathway for residents and visitors to enjoy the scenic beauty of Beaufort County. The new addition of a fishing platform enhances the experience for residents and visitors.

Community Centers – ARPA Funded Buildings: Three new community centers funded by the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) are moving forward. These projects are currently out for bid, marking significant progress in enhancing community spaces.

Old Arthur Horne Site: The demolition of the old Arthur Horne building is complete. A new parking lot is in the procurement process. Multiple bids have been received. Staff is reviewing bids for final approval. This will greatly improve access to the Beaufort County Government Complex on Ribaut Road.

Charles Lind Brown Center: The Charles Lind Brown Center continues to see improvements, offering better facilities and services to the community.

Southside Pickleball Courts: The Southside Pickleball court project is under construction. The projected completion date is early October.

Crystal Lake: The project at Crystal Lake is underway. The contractor is on schedule to complete work by mid-August, bringing new enhancements to this cherished passive park.

Whitehall Phase II: Whitehall Phase II is underway, with the project awarded and just awaiting a dock permit.

Camp St. Mary’s: Bids have been received for the demolition of Camp St. Mary’s. This project will be presented to committee in August, marking a significant step forward in the site’s redevelopment.

Fiscal Year 2025 CIP Plan

This e-book was produced by the Beaufort County Capital Projects Department. The Communications Department has provided internal indexing to this 305-page document to help the user navigate the e-book.

All items in the table of contents, Pages 4 through 6, and each project listed on Pages 7 through 12 have been hyperlinked. Click on the title of each project, and the link will take readers to the page selected. Use Adobe’s built-in navigation tool at the bottom of each page to return to the table of contents.

Beaufort County will continue to work to improve our community through strategic projects. For more detailed information on the Beaufort County’s Capital Improvement Plan, you can see the 2025 Capital Improvement Plan at

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