Council adopts a manual of standard procedures

From staff reports

Beaufort City Council approved a manual of standard operating procedures that apply to City Council at its June 11 Regular Meeting.

This marks the first time Council has adopted SOPs, although it has long followed Robert’s Rules of Order in conducting its meetings.

The procedures follow a model established by the ICMA, a professional organization of local government officials, as well as input from the MASC (Municipal Association of South Carolina), according to Beaufort Assistant City Manager JJ Sauve, who worked on and presented the manual to City Council.

The manual also reflects changes that City Council members asked for, and are specific to Beaufort.

“This is a good step forward for the City Council and City of Beaufort,” Mayor Phil Cromer said. “As new council members are elected, this manual will provide expert guidance. It will also ensure that Council’s practices are consistent across the board.”

The manual covers such topics as the roles of mayor and council members, compensation and financial disclosure, interaction with City staff, how the agenda is developed, how work sessions and regular and special meetings are conducted, and parliamentary procedures.

“We believe these changes will make Council meetings more efficient and effective,” City Manager Scott Marshall said. “They reflect best practices in local government and, with very little variation, are already well established by our contemporaries.”

The manual will be reviewed every two years so that updates and changes can be made if needed.

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