Classic Car and Truck Club announces new board, events

The Classic Car and Truck Club of Beaufort has announced its new executive board and proposed activities for 2019. 

For the first time, the club will have a shared presidency, which will be held by Dwayne Pingston and Rick Larsen. Peter McEwan will be vice president, Mary Wallace will be the new secretary and Bill Perry will continue as treasurer. 

The Classic Car and Truck Club of Beaufort is a non-profit social and hobby club. Membership is open to anyone with an interest in classic vehicles. The club supports the ideals of enjoying, preserving, maintaining, and driving classic vehicles while also serving the community. The club supports activities such as Christmas Meals on Classic Wheels, the Port Royal Soft Shell Crab Festival, and Octoberfest as well as participation in activities sponsored by other car clubs in the region.

This year will begin with two informal cruise-ins at the Grayco parking lot on Lady’s Island (136 Sea Island Parkway) at 4 p.m. on Friday, Feb. 1, and Friday, March 1. The first official cruise-in at Grayco, with awards and music, will be held at 4 p.m. on April 5.  On Feb. 3, the club also intends to participate in the “Super Roll” with Low Country Mopars at the Lady’s Island Sonic.

The yearly membership fee is $30. Official club meeting are held at 6 p.m. on the first Tuesday of every month at the Tavern at Royal Pines Country Club. Anyone with an interest in classic cars is encouraged to attend the first Friday cruise-ins at Grayco and the meetings at Royal Pines and to join the group on Facebook at “Beaufort Classic Car & Truck Club” to get updates on events.

For more information about this topic, contact Peter McEwan at 843-770-0349 or

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Obituary: Beekman Webb

Beekman Webb of Beaufort, S.C., a beloved husband, father, and grandfather passed away peacefully at home