City infrastructure project updates

Boundary Street Redevelopment Area:  Phase I of the Boundary Street Improvement Project is currently under final design and awaiting approval from SCDOT.  Phase I includes the intersection of Robert Smalls Parkway and Boundary Street and a new street that will run parallel to Boundary Street.

Bladen Street Streetscape Project:  Phase II of the Bladen Street Streetscape Project (improvements include the section of Bladen Street from Duke Street to Bay Street  is scheduled to be bid in the coming months with construction expected to begin Fall 2011.

Duke Street Streetscape Project:  The Duke Street Streetscape Project (improvements include the section of Duke Street from Bladen Street to Harrington Street) will be submitted to SCDOT & DHEC for approval at the end of July 2011.  Bidding for the project will begin in August 2011 with construction planned to begin in mid-late September 2011.

Carteret Street Crosswalks: Making downtown Beaufort a better and safer place for people to walk took a positive step forward this week with installation of improved crosswalks at the key intersection of Carteret Street and Port Republic Street downtown.  The crossing is used daily by hundreds of people moving between shops and restaurants, and also is a primary crossing for residents of The Point neighborhood as they head to jobs, to shops and restaurants, and to the Henry C. Chambers Waterfront Park.


Other news from the Office of Civic Investment

The Sector One Design Charrette presentation was held on Monday, March 28, at City Hall Council Chambers. Twenty-five team members worked from March 22-28 to compile a series of designs for the area of the city east of Ribaut Road, including Whitehall Plantation. The completion of the charrette marks only the first half of the design phase for this sector.

One of the first deliverables of the Sector One Charrette is the Redevelopment Commission Project Book. In support of this mission, the Office of Civic Investment has prepared a Projects Book detailing the list of initiatives documented in the Civic Master Plan for The City of Beaufort: Sector One. The Projects Book serves as the “implementation” document of the Civic Master Plan and is to be used by the Redevelopment Commission to prioritize projects and coordinate efforts across the public and private sectors.



The next charrette in the Civic Master Plan will combine both Sector 2 & 3 and will encompass the area of the City from City Hall south along Ribaut Road to Port Royal.  The next charrette will be held from Tuesday, September 27, until Tuesday, October 4.

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Obituary: Beekman Webb

Beekman Webb of Beaufort, S.C., a beloved husband, father, and grandfather passed away peacefully at home