Citizens needed to fill vacancies on County Boards and Commissions

From staff reports

Beaufort County citizens have the opportunity to get involved and serve their community as several County Boards and Commissions currently have vacancies.

Beaufort County Boards and Commissions are Council-appointed volunteer opportunities for community members to share their expertise, input and ideas. The Boards and Commissions help County Council anticipate, fund and provide a cost-effective level of service.

Beaufort County’s population is expected to reach 216,000 within the next few years. That growth means increased demands on services, programs, infrastructure as well as the need for increased preservation and protection of the County’s natural resources and beauty.

The Boards and Commissions that currently have vacancies are the:

Beaufort County Alcohol and Drug Abuse Board

Beaufort Memorial Hospital Board of Trustees

Construction Adjustments and Appeals Board

Design Review Board

Beaufort County Disabilities and Special Needs

Beaufort County Economic Development Corporation

Historic Preservation Review Board

Rural and Critical Lands Preservation Board

Southern Beaufort County Corridor Beautification

Board of Assessment Appeals

Beaufort County Transportation Committee

Stormwater Management Utility Board

Zoning Board of Appeals

Some vacancies are limited to specific Council Districts, some are looking for volunteers with a specific expertise, while others welcome volunteers from anywhere in Beaufort County. To review the current list of vacancies and requirements, visit

Volunteers can be any registered voter in Beaufort County. A Volunteer Application can be found at

To see the entire list of Boards and Commission and learn more, visit

Please submit your application and a brief resume by email to or mail them to Clerk to Council, Beaufort County Council, P.O. Drawer 1228, Beaufort, S.C. 29901

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