Seriously, could their be a better job in the world than judging barbecue?
If your answer is no, or even maybe, keep reading.
The S.C. Barbecue Association (SCBA) will hold a class July 27 in Columbia to train new barbecue judges. The class will be run from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. in the recreation hall at St. Paul’s Lutheran Church, located at 1715 Bull St.
Registration is open to members of the SCBA, and memberships are available for $35 for an individual or $60 for a family. Seminar cost is $50 per person, which includes, of course, a catered barbecue lunch.
The all-day seminar is the first step in becoming a SCBA Certified Barbecue Judge. After completing the class, potential judges will continue their training with hands-on experience as novice judges at three SCBA-sanctioned barbecue competitions.
Competitions are held around the state at festivals and fairs, as well as other community events or stand-alone barbecue contests.
Those interested in becoming SCBA certified judges and attending the July 27 seminar should email SCBA President Jim Wellman at to request an SCBA membership application and judging seminar registration form.
You may also apply and register online at